The progression of citizenship

Day 1,243, 18:32 Published in Australia Australia by Lord TJ

President DocterDry fixes his tie in preparation for his victory speech

As I begin, I congratulate President DocterDry (Discrate1) on his election to the leadership of the Australian National Party. On entering the new world, I sparred frequently with the fella, but with time and getting to know him he now holds the greatest title an Aussie can hold - mate. There is a great future ahead for the party under his leadership .. and it has an ironic crossover to this article.

Ehh .. where the bloody hell am I?

When I came to the realm that is eRepublik, I found it far different to other e-nations/worlds that I took part in. The idea that everyone started off e-poor or near broke was a confronting concept, yet one I embraced the challenge to make the best of. In time, I made friends and took up with old acquaintances from RL and other games in other nations. There was a lot gained in such a short period of time.

"Sir! Yes, Sir! Those latrines will be cleaner than your mother's kitchen floor, Sir!"

Within the past 2 months, I went from a Private with bugger all strength to being on the verge of Lt Colonel and built like a tank. This wasn't easy and didn't come about on my own steam. I was rapidly recruited into a militia with the aspirations of quickly bulking up and through guidance and learning from the experience - it paid off.

"I do solemnly swear to preserve, protect and .. umm .. can you repeat that last part again, Dick?"

Then came my e-political career and last month I was elected to the Senate of eAustralia. From there, further mateships were made and more knowledge was gained about international alliances and in-game governance mechanics. It was one of the most rewarding experiences I have had in eRep so far and I hope to be able to continue it after the next election.

"One day I was more gold-broke than Hinokai on an off-pay week. The next .. I was sipping champagne on sir_c0nstant's yacht"

I started off a socialist with nothing, soon became a trading capitalist with everything. All it took was two words - consumer confidence.

The challenges for the future

We are all human - we all learn by doing - we all progress through interaction - we all succeed by taking the initiative. No one scores through inaction.

SPEAKER: Order! Order!
SENATOR: Go f*** yourself!

Of late, there has been a lot of governmentally-motivated, personal comments exchanged about others and in a democracy that is to be expected. However, this is counter-productive to the cause and does nothing to encourage people to share their views in open air. No one denies that a hearty debate is the catalyst to any form of politics (e or RL). Be that as it may, I'm sure the populace can agree that calling elected officials "retards", "morons", "idiots" et al doesn't exactly form a compelling argument to build bridges. In this, the 'Tall Poppy' Syndrome excavating its way under the foundation of our e-society should rightly come down a peg or two, actually listen and keep it on the level.

It has become a sobering time over the last few weeks to see so many either go 2-click, head to the inactive department or announce their intentions to leave the game. Each has their own story, but a common thread emerges that not enough has been done to encourage these folks to stay. Granted, only so much can be achieved without having in-game intervention. We all have very strong views on changes to the game and all one needs to do is scour the newspapers on the list to read for themselves.

There will always exist a culture of craziness and in moderation it's great for lulz. At the end of the day, when it's time to almost head back to work, let's not forget the one binding thread that makes us prouder than ever....

We are

Oops .. wrong one .. let's try that again.

We are..