The New Military mode concerning the new players

Day 1,081, 11:16 Published in Cyprus Greece by Johnoagrios

This new military mode, has messed everything up about the game I knew. The old players deal extreme damage. And the new players almost nothing. Well this is unfair for new players like me that invested RL money on the game and fair to the old players that invested their time + money.

The only problem is that there is a chasm between the damage dealt between the new and old players. I was dealing dmg of 200 and the old players about 600. Now i deal 60 and the old ones 2000. THAT IS A CHASM.

The changes are kinda radical. Couldnt the game creators find the middle line? Now how would i want to fight, if i know that my impact will be minimal or 0?

This new version is killing the new players and deleting the future. I hope the game creators find a middle line between this radical changes.

The good old times for the new players died. Now only 3 buttons we will press.