The Maine Congressional Run of August 25 2011 of Cody Caine

Day 1,371, 21:31 Published in USA Canada by Cody Caine

I am announcing here and now, that I am running for congress in the state of Maine, I run because I feel it is my duty as a citizen of the eUSA, my decision to run reflects no disdain to any current congressmen or congresswomen, or anyone else who may run with in the state of Maine for Congress, but only my own desire to serve. Our country is at a turning point, for the first time since I have been a member of this nation of ours we have all of our land back, and a few extra regions, so in the spirit of American growth, I feel I being a new active member can help through my service in congress if elected by you the voters of this great country, through my service as fighter in our battles for our country, and through my writings and other activities, so I ask you give me a chance, by voting for me on Thursday august 25th in the state of Maine.

I would also like to suggest voting for Portcolumbus in the state of Mississippi

Might add more suggestions later depending on who contacts me.