The Interviews and Updates!

Day 1,639, 20:47 Published in USA USA by DIRTY ANGELS
Hello my Friends!

Today we have a special article for you, mainly written by Reaos my trusty Partner!

Welcome to my Debut article!
Growing Concerns Across Erepublik!

My name is Reaos and I would like to welcome you to my first article. Dirty_Angels and I are now business partners in this venture to build creative and fun journalism. My first story is a interview about current situations across Erepublik. We are asking what ‘You’ think of the daily life and activities in Erepublik. Are there any people you like/dislike? What do you think of the current market situation and what can be done about it? What are the latest Rumors? These are some of the questions we are here to answer. My first story and interview is with a man named Smitty24. He is a new player to Erepublik but does know enough about the current situation to get us started for a short Interview.

I asked him 5 random questions about the situations across Erepublik. I polished this interview up but I will put what Mr. Smitty24 posted for the answers.

First Question
Reaos: How do you like the new battle system compared to the old?

Smitty24: “Unfortunately I have not been playing long enough to know what the old battle system was like. However, I do like the current battle system, but dislike only having limited health regeneration per hour.”

Second Question
Reaos: What do you want to be when you E-Grow up? Or if you already have plans, What are you doing with your E-Life?

Smitty24: Currently I am trying my luck in the battlefield since it seems to level me up the fastest. Eventually though, I am thinking about trying my hand in politics. I just need to learn a little more about how the game operates before I do that. I also currently work and go to school so I do not have a lot of time to dedicate to the game which a lot of the successful politicians on this game seem to have.

Third Question.

Reaos: What do you think of all the battles USA are currently in?

Smitty24: “Currently I have not spent a lot of time focusing on who the USA has been fighting. I am currently a member of the US Army and have only been fighting in battles where they are needed which have been in a lot of non-USA battles.”

Fourth Question.

Reaos: What is your favorite Country?

Smitty24: “My favorite country has got to be the USA. I currently do not have a lot of knowledge about other countries in the world, but so far from reading forums and other posts it seems to me that the US's economy is one of the strongest. Market Costs are cheaper, which sucks to sell, but I've been doing a lot more buying so its been nice.”

Fifth Question.

Reaos: What do you think of the market situation we currently have?

Smitty24: “From what it sounds like the current market situation is not very strong. With that said, I do not think it is horrible because I have been surviving ok in it, but who wouldn't want any market to get better regardless of the current conditions.”

I truly did enjoy Reaos's Interview! Write your thoughts below in the comment section. Now I have to admit this, he did a fantastic job compared to mine! So here are my five poorly done Interviews!

William Marchasse

DA: Hello, you are a decently new player. What are your goals?

WM: My goals are many. Some would be, achieve GOD OF WAR rank, Defeat POLAND in the process, become a congressman that serves the best interests of our country, bring the most quality newspaper possible to the masses, help our people and government become the absolute BEST that it can be. WORK WORK WORK. Attain every medal possible then more. This is a start.

DA: Seems like we have an over achiever, that is good. What are some of the people you have strong feeling about and why?

WM: In regards to being an over achiever, I suspect that aiming for the top will at least land you high. As far as strong feelings for individuals, I am very fond of but not limited to Inwegen for his dedicated and responsible outlook, Kria Erikson for the leadership and willingness to help & Potato 134 for his friendliness and "dude" replies... I still am yet to get to know many people but I am well on the process. I feel strongly in a negative why towards one individual besides the country of Poland. That is General Cartman Lee for being consistently rude from the day I had him insultingly PM me. He is a power monger and a very dangerous individual to our country if not the globe. He lies and misleads and blames everyone but himself. These are some of the individuals I feel "strongly" about.

DA: I think people can agree with all of what you said. Do you think our government should change in anyway, as in alliances the way it works etc.?

WM: As far as alliances I feel that we have some of the best on our side I would not change much, I would just urge fellow patriots to help within their battles as they did for us. Canada, I have heard rumors they are somewhat slack but I do not hold this verified. The government should change in a few ways. Proactive programs for beginners and actives need better implementation or incentive, military coordination needs to be a lot more organized and focused towards involvement. I will say that the patriot medal, while negative in the fact that it makes our soldiers less eager to help our allies military. Overall our government is in rather great shape.

DA: Yes I must agree, we do have good allies and the Patriotic medal does put a negative affect on us majorly. Did you get the message about the MU who will only fight for our country because of the Patriotic Medal?

WM: Yes, They are not "patriots" in my opinion. What a lot of nerve to start a group about a medal...its about the gold. That is why. They are a shame.

DA: It even says they are selfish in the description, what a shame. It as been great talking to you! I hope to talk to you soon and thank you for taking the time out of your day to be interviewed.

WM: Yes, my pleasure. I will talk to you again. Thank you for your interview. Also if you have not already check out my newspapers new article and vote and sub it if you like. If you already have, I cannot thank you enough. Once again thank you. Good day.
Best Regards, W M


DA: Hello, you are a decently new player. What are your goals?

EA: well my goals are to be one of those higher ranking military people that help people with supplies such as food and some weapons this will also hopefully lead to me being a congressman in my state. hopefully my helpfulness in the future wont be taken as bribes.

DA: Those are some very nice goals. What is your opinion on how our government works, our allies etc.?

EA: I like our allies but , not saying we should be, but if we had eyes and ears in other countries it would help, such as ones like Sweden and Poland. they have had some disagreements lately and we might have been able to get another ally. on the government question, i like their goals but most of the time i don't see enough action, more words than action such as the current Poland fighting.

DA: Yes that would be nice, maybe you could to someone about that. What are some people that you like and dislike and why?

EA: well if by individuals i like my boss tekka , he always pays just a little higher then the current job market and is on as much as i am to keep it current. if you mean by a general population however, the Russians not just because there our allies, are awesome! this is because of their sheer power and strength when something threatens their motherland! a group i don't like would be hmm probably a country like republic of Macedonia who cant really stand their own ground without allies, even though they are a big part in this game, you still should be able to stand some kind of ground with just your own citizens to at least delay the enemy.

DA: I agree. What are you expecting from the current president?

EA: Artela? well i just hope she actually brings the fight to Poland and i also hope that she informs people about it because right now a lot of people are unhappy with us losing midjtyland and other territories.

DA: I am sure many hope she will keep her promise to. Well, thanks for taking your time doing this interview. Thank you!

EA: no problem it was fun!


DA: Hello, you are a decently new player. What are your goals?

H: My goals right now are to increase my military rank and strength so I can do more damage in battles for my country. As a side goal, I am saving up to buy a second Q2 food factory.

DA: Seems like a plan. Do you have any strong feeling against or with certain groups in this country?

H: I can't say I have any bad feelings against certain groups in particular. I do have strong loyalties to the eUS military, since they do a fantastic job at helping players get better in this game, and really allow them to enjoy the game to its full potential. Also, if it weren't for our military and the people who run it, we would have a very difficult time winning battles in the most critical situations. The other group I really like is the AMP because of their strong leadership, and concern specifically with doing what is best for the country to move forward.

DA: I must agree with you. Do you have any objections, to our allies or enemies that we have?

H: None at all. Enemies keep the game interesting! I have always felt the US is good at having strong allies, and we take care of each other.

DA: Yes good point. Do you like the way our government works? If you could change something what would it be?

H: I do like the way our government works, although to be honest I don't pay much attention to it. It would be nice to have more solid candidates for presidency, as now it seems like there is one clear choice, and one or two who seem okay. I mean maybe that's unrealistic now, but I remember having more choice a couple years ago when I first started. Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with the current president, I think she does an amazing job. I just think a little compeition wouldn't hurt, and if you look at the last couple votes for presidency, they weren't even close. That somewhat proves my point about the clear choice.

DA: Thank you for your time I enjoyed interviewing you!

H: My pleasure!

That Guy Won

DA: Hello, you are a decently new player. What are your goals?

TG: Im not into politics so my goal right now is to level up and become a war hero but in the future I would like to get elected to congress or maybe even be president of the United States.

DA: Wow those are some high up goals, how are you planning on achieving them?

TG: Well I havent planed on how im going to get elected to congress or president because that wont be for some time but on my road to be a war hero im training as much as I can and every single day.

DA: Yes that is a good way, I would also recommend to save up bazooka's and energy bars. What do you think about the way our government works? Do you like it? If you could change it how would you?

TG: Yea I have about 70 bazooka's saved up with 55 energy bars. I dont really know how the government is right now but I have read a few things about the need for change in the government. One thing I would change is not allowing people to buy votes to get elected to congress.

DA: I have to agree it is one of the cheapest ways to win, but I doubt their will be change. What do you think of our enemies allies etc.?

TG: I think we should expand our borders more and stop fighting other peoples battles because i dont think we NEED half of the allies we have now.

DA: Hmmm that is interesting. Well I want to thank you for your time and consideration!

TG: No problem your welcome


DA: Hello, what are your goals?

SU: To be the most important person in this game.

DA: And how are you going to achieve that?

SU: By hacking the game and making everyone give me all the gold they by just being friendly and talkative I guess.

DA: Hahaha. Do have any strong opinions on specific groups?

SU: Besides the main one that spread lies and all that, no I'm good.

DA: Whats the main one?

SU: Must I say?

DA: Yes, there are many organization's that spread lies.


Most of the Interviews went great for both me and Reaos!

Update Section

We have a couple of things that I must say. One is that we have some great articles coming up soon, I can't give out any secrets sorry 🙂 I have also filled out the application to run for congress in the AMP! I hope my application gets accepted and hope to win fairly without bribes/giving out things for votes which is sadly a low, low probability. I am also apologizing for such a long article, we don't like short articles nor Extremely Long ones (No homo). I try my best to make my articles just the right length. That is all I have in the Update section for now!

Remember to thank Reaos for his extremly important part in my newspaper!

Keep Fighting my Friends!!