The Colonial Government won this battle ! The Campaign is far from over !

Day 2,710, 12:57 Published in Japan Japan by Squibeel

Public announcement

The consequences of a long and still going oppression by the colonial government elected by a false democracy are very clear. We the dictatorship side, don't care about:

- medals - if we won any its because we fought that much;
- power - because it's seriously it's too much work;
- destruction of a small peaceful country - is it? can we destroy something that's already been destroyed?.

Seems like the financial situation of the colonial government has gotten worse, we can only hope they don't raise taxes because of their lack of CO management abilities.

Just a few days ago some MUs might have urged for the end of a TW but I can tell you that at that time not even I knew I was going to start a Dictatorship battle.

We started a dictatorship battle because we thought the country needed to change for the better, this meant:

- Respecting the relations built in the past;
- Respecting deals made in the past;
- Respecting NEBULA and its members;
- Rebuilding the economy so that it doesn't benefit only certain people.

YES, because we weren't elected in what is a clearly corrupt democracy, duh

In short, we can only be accused of wanting our country back. Whatever propaganda the opposition uses about multies, selfishness, irl stuff that's literally history is just that propaganda. We also didn't force the government to use the treasury against us, that's a decision made by them and it's their blame to take.


1. If the colonial government abandons the D1 and D2 players, we'll see what we can do to help those players with what we can;

2. If the colonial government freezes their NEBULA membership then we'll do our best to cover for the missing damage (if they ever helped NEBULA before);

3. Our supporters will be branded as LOYALISTS, because yeah - that matters;

4. つづく