The Australian Revolutionary Party takes the top spot

Day 2,011, 20:25 Published in Australia Canada by Molly Jo

The Birth of the ARP
On July 24th I was accepted as a citizen of eAustralia;

I Joined the "True Blue" Party with the intention of spending much my first few weeks laying low, getting used to things in Australia. However in the back of my mind I knew I wanted to give a lower ranked party new life, and so after talking with the Party President at the time; llengib, he agreed he would let me become the next Party President.

As you can see llengib had been elected over Mr. Crumpets in a 1-1 tie. In the PP race before I got to the country and the party.

On August 15th

I achieved the position with 4 votes.

With the help of Lancer and my AFU friends the party began to grow, and by Sept 15th those pitiful voting numbers became:

Significantly better.

Things for a bit stagnant on the growth front, we declined a bit dropping out of the 5th spot we'd achieved due to some events [movements and PTO groups], but we started to grow again in late Nov, making rises, small declines, a trend, that led us along rising back into the top 5, increasing up to 3rd, before taking the 2 spot, one we've held firmly for a few months.

Article Half Way Point Music

ARP Achievements of Note
★ Xavier Griffith first member of ARP elected to PM/CP -I served as his deputy-

★ irule777 elected to back to back terms as PM/CP -even if he wont call himself the Prime Minister-

★ Awesome Logos

★ Changed the political land scape- whether you like us or not, since the dawn of the ARP, things have changed, parties have changed, crazy coalitions were created in seeming response to ARP success.(At least in the opinion of this writer)

and Finally
The biggest achievement of the ARP, the one that makes me as its founder oh so proud to see

I teared up a bit when I saw it, I must admit.

Chief of Staff

Thanks to Mickskitz for the campaign picture