The Affairs of Congress, August-September 2012 : Special Edition #1

Day 1,743, 02:57 Published in Japan Japan by Zodiarque

Hi, eJapan, it's Zodiarque!

As part of my job as the Interim Speaker, I wanted to inform you about the recent turns of events and how Congressional stuff will be conducted till we have a Congress again. Without further ado, let's begin.

1. New Official Military Units Naming (Discussion and Vote)

The New Naming proposal was voted. From now on :
1st & 2nd Divisions MU shall be called The Imperial Military Academy (IMA).
3rd & 4th Divisions MU shall The Imperial Japanese Army (IJA).
Therefore I signed the bill and order its enforcement.

You can make inquiries of all the effective programs you may be provided in the Ministry of Defense Forum section.

Speak up! : Currently, the renewal process of our Military system is going on with New MU Graphics being investigated there. Please, come and give everyone your opinion about how the Avatar frames and Logos shall be like.

2. Interim Solutions to Congressional Emptiness (Discussion and Vote)

As our eCountry has been wiped, we shall remain without any possibility to own an In-Game Congress for an undetermined time. Country President will then own all the keys to our future in its hands. However, there are issues, other than "In-Game mechanics" related matters, that Congress uses to deal with.

People of eJapan choosed to state on the use of Referenda to administrate every matters that may conjure up to us. Therefore I signed the bill and enforced it right away. That was the last bill I signed as Speaker of Congress.

That explained, I'm now seeking your attention for you are already asked to state on a rather important decision for the future of our eCountry.

3. Referendum #1 :

Hereby, all citizens are asked to state on the Circle of Trust Membership Proposal that was discussed here during almost 48h.

Proposal is the following : With our position as a trial member of CoT coming to an end, it is necessary for eJapan to consider its options, whether it aims to take the step forward and become a fully established member of COT or not.

To that proposal, you may answer, in anticipation of a possible vote from CoT in favor of our integration :
1. Accept and join CoT.
2. Decline and stay out.
3. Abstain.

Speak up! : The vote is currently being hold about it there. It is open to every citizens as part of the new administrating system. So please, come and vote.

/!\IMPORTANT/!\ : I wanted to remind you all of some Forum Congress rules which will help us go through all those procedures smoothly.
a. Votes in Comments won't be taken into consideration. Registration and masking are easy proceeded.
b. Only "Vote choice" is for the [Vote] thread whereas waffle remains to the [Discussion] thread.

That's all for today. If you would like to inquire more about every little discussions that are currently being held and participate, then I cannot encourage you more to join the forums and get you Citizen mask now. Registration is made in a minute and all you need is to write a post in the appropriate section there and an In-Game Private Message to me Zodiarque as I am also Moderator of the Forums.

Additionally, if you liked this article feel free to vote it up and subscribe to my personal newspaper, Zodiarque's echoes. Also feel free to leave a comment, thanks!