Some Gov Info From the Greatest Chief of Staff of All Time~

Day 1,210, 21:59 Published in USA Australia by Justin McCravok


Hello my good people. Today is Day 1210 of the New World, and we're just a few hours from the Party Presidential Elections. Zyria of the SAC has announced that Non-INCI Turks will be attempting to take over the United States Workers Party, United Independents Party, Libertarian Party, and Federalist Party in the elections

Due to the circumstances, all Americans are strongly encouraged to save their vote for as long as possible and join #ATO on IRC.Rizon.Net to be instructed for which party and person to vote for. Only take orders from anyone in the channel that has Operator (Ops/+O) status or higher, including Zyria, Rod Damon, and America's wonder boy Soren Nelson.

So, America, you've been probably wondering what exactly has been going on within your government this month. I feel that Glove has summarized the gist of it well, but allow me to go more in-depth about the status of this nation. This is part one of two.

Our Deputy Chief of Staff's at the moment are Blazix and Syrup. Previously, LexLuthor was a Deputy Chief of Staff, but quit yesterday afternoon due to his anticipation of going into Party Politics (USWP Party President). His replacement is Syrup, who I have full confidence and trust in. Syrup is active and is a long time friend of mine, and I have no doubt that he can get straight to work on projects such as Interns and Intern Organization.

Speaking of Interns, the intern program is working great so far. We have some fantastic interns at the helm including Lietk12, Naron, Richard Nixon II, and JLake4. The Interns have worked on projects for the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Secretary of Treasury, and Interior. I'm happy to inform everyone that the interns have not and will not soon be running out of assignments, and are being utilized to max efficiency. Additionally, I'm glad to inform those that we are now taking additional interns. If you are interested in being an intern, please message me and explain why you feel you would do a good job.

I have promised Glove that I will have Synergy Polls out and ready to roll within a week. I set my deadline at Sunday reset. Failure to meet this deadline would bring shame to my family and my people.

We have had a White House Press Release almost every day this term. Currently being run by Phoenix Quinn due to the temporary leave of absence of The Time Lord, the WHPR is a very good way to get the latest scoop on executive and national politics. Phoenix's sense of humor and witty remarks are also very entertaining, much more so than previous WHPR writers have shown. Jude Connors is also hard at work with the Pony Express, and has done great so far, helping to encourage new writers as well as spread the word about the President's articles and other important media that people should know about. You can subscribe to the White House Press Release by clicking here and subscribe to The Pony Express by clicking here

Our new Secretary of Defense is Speedcat McNasty. Former Chief of Staff and by far one of the hardest workers in the White House, Speedcat is replacing Jacksondr5 who has gone down the same road as LexLuthor...damn you, party politics, damn you all. Speedcat is responsible for helping to manage Arm America and OMS, or the Office of Militia Support. OMS is responsible for sending funding to America's militias, including the Ultramarines and Seal Team 6. If you're wondering where Arm America has been, wonder no more, for lady Zyria is bringing it back in just a few days time. Yes, you heard me right, free food for da Americanos once again! Details are still being worked out, but mock my words, you will have free food to fight with in your pocket by the end of the week. Zyria will of course be handling supply drops, including IRC ones.

Interior is an interesting story. Athanaric, brand new to the Interior department, has taken the initiative and has decided to streamline and renovate the department into a new structure. Allow me to explain what he is doing.

Athanaric recently held an Interior meeting for his brand new staff. Present at the meeting was Athanaric, Soren Nelson, and members of the Interior such as Meals on Wheels director Agent Washington. Together, these braniacs discussed a new format for the Interior, something that has incredible potential and something that I can't wait to see worked out. Ultimately, Athanaric has reduced the Interior to two departments: the New Citizen Department and the Activities Coordination Department. At the head of the NCD is Bruce Sommer, and associates are Jasper Signa, Mark Valshannar, Agent Washington and Princefigs. At the head of the ACD is AdmiralQuesar with associates Ace451, Tyler Pokela, and Rainy Sunday.

The fundamentals are being set up as we speak, although the process has been slightly slowed due to Athanaric's temporary leave of absense. Soren Nelson is filling in meanwhile, and is thus far doing a great job of handling the department while Ath is away.

That's all I have for now, America. Ot's time for me to hit the sack and go to bed. But stay tuned for updates on Treasury, Technology, State, Foreign Affairs, and additional information including setup of new ideas and our Saturday press conference (18:30 eRep, #whitehouse.public).

Stay Classy, and remember, Justin McCravok is the greatest Chief of Staff of all time (contrary to anyone who says Inwegen)