Saturn Reference 第六十三期:The Fall of TEDEN?

Day 1,645, 02:54 Published in China China by Yurikhan

Saturn Reference-土星参考

全文翻译自E新西兰期刊Blair's Journal文章《The Fall of TEDEN?
Kia Ora Kiwis. I know it's been a while, but rather than bore you with the details of my personal life, suffice it to say I'll be around more.

Since the raging wars of last Spring, the set has been cast and TERRA and EDEN have been working together against the ONE Alliance in what became known as World War V. While warfare looks rather different than it did so many months ago, the effects are still shaking the foundations of the eWorld. It appears that, in the months of fighting, the TERRA-EDEN relationship may not be as strong as it once seemed.

American citizen GloveisLove recently ran a very interesting poll of American citizens to see how they felt about their nation's Foreign Policy, mostly in light of the eUS recent decision to back eArgentina, thereby losing eChile (at the time, a TERRA member) and eBulgaria to ONE-sympathy. Over 65% of the 268 American citizens polled felt that the eUS made the wrong decision in backing eArgentina. Furthermore, over 43% of those polled would be willing to risk EDEN support to get eBulgarian support back. Perhaps most interesting is that over 63% of polled participants think that TERRA should either only cooperate with EDEN when necessary or should cut ties with EDEN entirely.

What does this mean for the state of International Affairs?

Well, in light of the eChilean-Argentinian crisis and the eJapanese decision to allow eHungary through their lands to invade eChina (and eJapan's subsequent removal from TERRA), it shows a weakening of the TEDEN relationship. As ONE begins to rise again and comes closer to gaining access to eNorth America, most eAmericans polled feel threatened, despite the continued TEDEN friendship. In essence, a relationship (TEDEN) that has cost the eUS its friendship with eChile, eBulgaria, eJapan, and others does not appear to even be capable of doing what it was created to do; repelling ONE.

Despite this, the Americas are certainly TEDEN territories as much as Europe is home to ONE. The eUS, eCanada, eBrazil, eArgentina, and others are all TEDEN allied and, thus, can forestall ONE advances better than anywhere in the eWorld. ONE came so close to wiping eCanada and the eUS last time, but were thwarted by this TEDEN Union in the Americas. Perhaps, ONE would be wise to offer membership beyond European nations (not counting eIndonesia, the one exception). ONE has allies in South and Central America that they could use if they attempt to re-enter the Americas, which they will in all likelihood. Furthermore, if ONE is interested in further expansion, they should look to their allies in the Middle East, Asia, and even right here in Oceania.

In essence, the International System that has subsided for over a year may soon crumble. The ONE Alliance is in a position to expand and, to fuel this expansion, welcome new Allies beyond Europe. On the other hand, TERRA and EDEN have begun to drift and public opinion (at least in the eUS) has turned against the union of the two Alliances. Whether or not the nations that are apart of the collapsing TEDEN union can repel a strengthening ONE Alliance remains to be seen.


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