Saturn Reference 第六十五期:e巴基斯坦的现状和未来

Day 1,648, 01:07 Published in China China by Yurikhan

Saturn Reference-土星参考

全文翻译自E巴基斯坦期刊A Small Pakistan文章《ePakistan - The present and the future.
For months Pakistan was under occupation by China and Turkey, a number of schemes were hatched to win back just one region, money was thrown, wars were fought, alliances were made, mercs were hired but at the end it was diplomacy that helped us getting back one region.

A massive congratulations is in order for our President Dodial and all the other members of his team who worked hard and silently for Pakistan. His strategy is equivilant to that of President Rao who few months ago, expanded Pakistan's empire and took over all of India.

But, getting the region was the easy part, the hard part is where we go from here.

President Dodial understands that we Pakistani's have an opportunity and his government has spent a considerable amount of time in introducting structure into Pakistan.

We have a "gandh pharo" task ahead of us, we have a low population that one man or few people alone cannot solve. We have threats from political take overs who are eyeing the massive cash of PKR 3,000,000 sitting in our coffers.

In order to have a population growth a number of ideas have been suggested, advertisement on facebook, forums, twitter etc etc.

However the best way to increase population is to personally invite friends into the game. Some of you might not be aware but everytime you invite a friend and he/she plays and makes gold, you are entitled to 10% of the gold they make. If we all focus on inviting just 1 - 2 people per month who will become consistent players our population will rise dramatically over time.

There are all sorts of people in Pakistan, there are people who stock up on gold, there are people who stock up on bazookas and energy bars, there are people who spend considerable amount writing articles, there are people who get involved with the administration and there are people who are just clicking on increasing their strenght.

Everyone is important, from the new player that joined to the old player that was here since the game's inception. We all have specific roles to play.

The President is hiring people for a salary to carry out specific functions, those of you are reading this article should first decide which type of person are you and apply accordingly.

It will take months to make Pakistan an empire but if we all share the same goal we will get there. It doesn't require a lot of hard work, it requires optimization of skill sets and doing what you can do best. It's a long road and it will be a lot of fun, but will get there.

Those of you haven't hung out on our chat should do so ASAP. Leave a comment for a link to the chat.


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