Running for Party President

Day 2,577, 18:20 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Madelina de Melrose

Yes, I've thrown my hat back in the ring, as our current Party President, VoodooMike, is unable to stand for the next month.

What are my goals if elected?

First, trying to get the party going! We need active and enthusiastic members. Most of our members are 2-clicking, and that isn't doing anyone any good... if you're one of them, get active! Read the newspapers to find out what is going on! Look to see what you want to be doing in 3 months, 6 months, a year - and then aim for the skies! We need our members to take an interest in how the eUK is run, because we need new Congress members, new ideas, fresh thoughts. Having the same people doing the same thing all the time leads to... a very boring game!

Second, preventing PTOs. I have nothing against any MU but to have one completely control TUP is not kosher. Our ex-PP mwcerebrus did nothing to inform anyone - including those in the TUP Advisory Council - of what was happening. Did you get any messages from him? I didn't. Communication is key here, without you knowing what is going on - and the leadership knowing what you want - we're in big trouble.

Finally, you may have noticed we lost so many territories, we were unable to have a Congress this term. The members of the previous Congress have been advising out Country President in the interim, but we need a proper government. That starts with having enough territories (thank you, all who took part in liberating those we had lost!). We also need a good majority of TUP Congress members - because we're the NO-TROLL party (you wouldn't believe what comes out of some of the other parties) and as we are fairly centerist in our views we can provide a buffer against the insane extremities of proposed policies and actions. But we need to have the biggest number of seats in order to keep the lid on the trolls and flamers (as much as one can) and push for sound governance.

I want to know what you think. I want to see you all on IRC or in the forums or even just on the message threads. TUP is YOUR party - let's make it the BEST party!