Review of Political Parties of eSA

Day 1,975, 01:24 Published in South Africa Brazil by Ferdi Myburgh

Good Day Fellow citizens,

I looked at all the parties, they all look good to join and stand for a better eSA. Below are the details of these parties. Not too much detail as some most of the leaders has not sent their responses, but I'm sure we will hear from them soon, I will report on it as soon as I do. Here we go with the details:

Union of Patriots (Orientation Centre-right, Libertarian):
National rank: 1 Members: 53
Vice President: Enriche2Ribeiro Secretary General: Claudio KiIgannon
Councillor: Ejdatful Spokesman: Darth Veschy

The Union of Patriots, an active party. We see eSouth Africa's development as the key to success in this game. We are a party who allows all of its members to get involved in every aspect of this game. We love new players and need you, so UP your standards and join UP.

National party of South Africa (Orientation Centre, Libertarian):
National rank: 2 Members: 31
Secretary General: Enbaros Councillor: BlackWidow9
Spokesman: Zombinho
Join our party, for a better South Africa!

DB - Political Faction (Orientation Far-left, Libertarian):
National rank: 3 Members: 26
President: Rico Suave Secretary General: Jizzie McGuire
Councillor: Ubermench Spokesman: Nickerball
We strive for idealism, not political office. We believe in a fully sovereign eSouth Africa and in sharing the wealth. Also, somehow we WILL get Jizzie McGuire back in office!

A Message from DB-PF President:

The DB-PF was formed on the values of the Dignity Brigade, an organization of influential current and former eSouth Africans. The DB is devoted to the safety and independence of our country. The DB yields to no govt but rather to what we believe to be for the good of the nation.

The DB-PF is a separate entity from its mother organization and because politics is politics the party has had close ties to most administrations since it was formed. We are mainly built on the principle of improvement by opposition but have still spawned a few president in our time.

New citizens will find that rising through our ranks is done on merit and those who have been willing to put the effort in will testify to that.

We tend to be more relaxed than other parties I have noticed. I'm not sure if this is to our advantage though.


Independent Alternative (Orientation Centre, Libertarian):
National rank: 4 Members: 25
President: Gambit LeBeau Vice President: Rump3l5tiltskin
Secretary General: Worms13 Councillor: Kaptein Balsak
The IA is a party that believes people are the most important part of politics.
It is the diversity of all people working towards a common goal that will ensure a successful country. We cut out the BS and get straight to the point.

South African Gold Party (Orientation Center, Libertarian):
National rank: 5 Members: 18
President: Sora Storm Secretary General: Sora Storm
Councillor: Dr. James McCrimmon Spokesman: Athena the Great
Ascending from the ashes of the once proud Gold Party, we Rise to fight for the pride, dignity and equality of our sacred lands.
Personal Experience:
Friendly and helpful members, welcomes new members with open arms.

Open Opportunity Party (Orientation, Libertarian):
National rank: 6 Members: 18

OOPS believes in an open opportunity society committed to ensuring that each citizen can exert a political, economic, and militaristic influence in the New World.
Each citizen can and should have an impact and be able to have fun. Membership is OPEN to ALL

Liberty Legion (Orientation Centre, Libertarian):
National rank: 7 Members: 14
President: Al Kazar Secretary General: Charlotte Quintao
The Liberty Legion is committed to the goal of achieving the complete liberation of eSouth Africa, and to achieving greatness for our country - economically, militarily, politically, and socially.

Next Possible headlines:
-Our President what is his mission, what is next for eSa
-Please send through any items you would like me to cover.