Reports of my Death are Greatly Exaggerated

Day 3,375, 03:38 Published in Saudi Arabia United Kingdom by Mr Immanuel Kant

Sorry, Not dead yet
Recently I ticketed the admins asking them to add the fallen citizen badge to a friend of mine's profile, who sadly passed away. There must have been an element of confusion and the badge has now been added to my profile.

So please can you stop sending me R.I.P messages, although they have been very nice and thoughtful they are premature. That or I'm stuck in purgatory and there's erepublik here.

What does erepublik and my Fiancé have in common? - Both want me dead apparently.

I have ticketed the admins and this should be changed shortly, but thanks for the kind wishes on the news of my death. I always thought I'd be the first to know when I did eventually die but apparently not.

I can now see why this quote sometimes needs to be said.

Mr Immanuel Kant
Nifty Dictator and Country President