Really Winston?

Day 754, 10:02 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jake Pearlshire

Here's my response to this article by Winston L.S. Churchill:

This is coming from you who is racist towards Muslims and blacks (publishing an article which you deleted fully supporting Jefferson Davis and the CSA). This is also someone who expelled Caradir from the UKRP for questioning some of his policies, and calls anyone who doesn't support him a communist (seems familiar.... yeah it does). That's why people compare you to Hitler if you are wondering. You are just like him except you bash Muslims instead of Jews. "we need to respect each other as human beings and recognize that we all have different viewpoints" - say that to those you have used socialist as a crime against. Anyone who has a different opinion than you, you simply say fail and call them a commie. Stop falling for his lies, and vote Raziel UKRP members if you want your party to survive another term.

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Jake Pearlshire