Re-Introducing the Ambassador Program and D1 Epics!

Day 5,227, 03:04 Published in USA USA by Kody5

Hello once more, America!

It's been a little while since I've written to you all, and I have PQ and the writers' club to thank for that. Writing can be tough for me without a subject and substance, and luckily I have some for you all today. 

One of my main goals was to figure out new programs to add to our country's, and I think we have started to introduce two of them. One I can finalize here and another I am trying to get passed through Congress. Along with programs, we have also made a deal with our ally, Serbia, to have planned D1 epics throughout the week. 

I would like to touch on all of this here.

First, I'll start with this mysterious program. I'm trying to get it pushed through Congress. Simply put, we don't have a solid program idea yet, but I think we have mostly discussed a housing program and ideas for subsidizing rank-ups in the US, maybe both. One of my campaign goals for both of my terms was to create a program or two that we could use as a country and that would be worth the money. I would like to get this done by the end of my current term. 

Next, I'd like to talk about our newly reintroduced ambassador program, and I'd like to share a little bit of my personal history with the old program. It was my first national job. I lied in my application and said that I spoke Spanish because I was 15 and thought I needed to speak another language. So when I was hired, I was hired as the ambassador to eMexico. I used Google translate to speak Spanish, but that didn't really work out. 

So in order to avoid any more of that on my end, I am asking you all to apply to the program here. If you do not want to fill out the form, please pm me, but the form is much easier. The only requirement is that you get telegram. Once I get a list of any of you who might be interested, I will be adding a telegram channel just for you all. 

Ideally, we want all the languages of the countries we are allied with, in TWS with, or have a friendly relationship with. I will not turn away a few English-only speakers or anyone who might speak the language of an enemy country, such as Hungarian, or a neutral country like India. 

What you would have to do as an ambassador is simple. When we want something translated, if you speak the language needed, you will help translate it for us. You will speak to TW partners or anyone we need to speak to in their native language if needed as well. You will also be in charge of keeping good relations with the countries we open ambassadorships with. So pretty much all you're doing is joining Telegram and talking with people around the eWorld for us. 

If you are interested, the form is here!

Finally, I'll get to the most interesting news of the day: epics! 

For the past few days, Serbia has been starting D1 epics with the US and Romania since we were in a ceasefire. These have been very valuable in farming ebs to use in real battles. Because of this, I have asked them to make this permanent. 

From now on, we will be having permanent D1 TW epics with Serbia at 12 erep on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays. Which means we will be planning 4 epics a week along with the Tuesday epics starting next week. 

We hope this gives a good opportunity for those with mav packs to gain needed PP and hopefully help out our new players as well. 

Serbia has been doing a lot of damage for us to have these epics together, so I'd like to thank them for this. 

Hopefully, if you're on when we have these epics, you can all chip in as well!

I would like to touch on one last thing. Barring an extension of our ceasefire, the real wars will resume in 2 days. So get ready! As soon as I have more information about this, I will relay it to you all. There are plenty of opportunities out there for us to take advantage of. 

Keep an eye out for fun and any shenanigans we can conjure up for you all in the future.