Q&A Hotseat!

Day 2,459, 02:58 Published in South Africa South Africa by Saffa Manne

Greetings eSA citizens, both legal and illegal, it's time for another Q&A session with an eSA local. Why? To better understand what eSA is all about and to see what we as a community are made of.

Last week we had an eSA player that comes from Turkey in RL: Ejdatful told us why he joined eSA and the eSAAF and what he thinks of the oppressor Lazocracy as well as the compressor Marmaduke!

This week we're interviewing someone that's been around a short while and his a mixed RL affiliation as well as eRep affiliation. He's run for PP one or twice and seems real keen to go far and to get acquainted with eSA citizens. Please welcome SpartacusZA!

Let's put SpartacusZA in the HOT SEAT!

Welcome SpartacusZA. Thanks for offering to be in the Hotseat. Not many ask for the opportunity but you seem real keen.

Saffa Manne - How long have you been an eRepublican and which eCountries were you in before?

SpartacusZA - About 3 weeks and I am a RL South African but was born in France.

Saffa Manne - Tell us more about yourself and where you are from?

SpartacusZA - I am still a High School student.I currently live in Wellington Western Cape South Africa and was born in France as I said in the previous question. But RSA is my home now.

Saffa Manne - Wow, so young! It's great to have some new blood around here. Most players are very old. How are you enjoying the game so far? What parts of eRep do you enjoy most?

SpartacusZA - Well the great people playing this game makes it fun and the creators of eRepublik did their best to make this game feel and look like like a real country would in real life well done. And the citizens of eSA make this game awesome to play thank you guys.

Saffa Manne - Do you prefer the military aspect, economic or political aspect of eRep and where are putting the most effort right now?

SpartacusZA - I prefer political. A strong country needs great leaders but also a strong economy. It also needs a strong military force to extend its borders but I love politics since I was a little.

Saffa Manne - The greatest political achievement is the Country President. How can you achieve this while Lazokrazi are in power?

SpartacusZA - Well firstly i need to get rid of the lazos,win the people's trust and show good leadership unlike the lazos do. A GOOD LEADER DOES NOT CHEAT.

Saffa Manne - It sounds like you have your own plan but how are you going to get rid of the Lazo's?

SpartacusZA - By reporting them to the admins,you see what they are capable of look what they did to mamado and otherwise exposing their acts of cheating to the public of erepublik.

Saffa Manne - What part of eRep would you like to see changed?

SpartacusZA - The erepublic crew should limit people to 1 account , make more strick rules and make a better communication system between,party members,MU and a world wide chat too.

Saffa Manne - Complete the sentence: "If I could be anyone in eRep right now I would be ..."

SpartacusZA - Mamado😃 it gotta be cool watching the game from the ban bin or one of his illegal account MAY YOU REST IN PIECES 😛

Saffa Manne - Final question, which rugby team do you support, who's your favourite player and why? ;P?

SpartacusZA - In club rugby I support the Stormers or WP and in international rugby the Springboks. My favourite player is Juan de Jongh because he went to my school when he was in high school and is a good inspiration.

Thanks SpartacusZA for chatting to us. I hope your political career goes far and good luck with reporting Lazocrats to admins. Lord knows we need to reduce multi's in eSA!

Next week I hope to have a flippin' interesting Q&A with non other than our prodigal son Marmaduke. Yup, he left and then he came back. Why? We'll have to ask him when he's in the Hotseat. It's not easy chatting to Marmaduke as he's extremely busy trolling and thinking of ways to upset the authorities but we hope to have him in the Hotseat soon.

Until then folks, take care.

(P.S. Bring back the real MoDA STR!!)