Presidential MonkeyBusiness, Day 1561

Day 1,561, 16:42 Published in Canada Canada by Kronos Q
Article music? Yes, please! The Owl's 'Air'.

I have returned!

I think it's fairly obvious by this article, but I'm back from my weekend trip. It was fun, it was tiring, it was interesting, it's good to be home. I see that Presidential candidate campaigns started while I was away, and I suppose it is coming to that time. But there's still things to do before preparations for a new President need to start 😉

The eUK: A Rewiping

So I heard that the eUK were wiped again in time for Congress elections. That's what I like to hear. This is their fourth consecutive term without a Congress, and it must be hurting them badly. We have our oil bonus back, and they still can't access their treasury or accept citizens. All is right in the northern atlantic 😃

A 'thank you' definitely goes out to all those who helped to make this happen. eIreland were a big help in coordinating the attacks, and I'm glad to have this achievement shared with them.

A Pardon for Rolo

I am only going to say that Congress has begun discussion this again. Even better, it's being discussed in a public section of the forums. Have your voice heard by visiting here. But please, make sure you read the discussion before you go on ranting in favour or against it.

Presidential Scenario #5

That's right, our Presidential-wannabes didn't get a break while I did 😉 Though, well, JohnSmith 2k9 did get a break, since he's in the middle of very important exams. Would be hypocritical of me to fault him for asking for a short respite. But for the others, here's the scneario that Chucky has provided for them:

Scenario #5

"You are presented with a unique opportunity. The United State would like to rent a region from us, a low populated region with a bonus we already have. They would pay 1000 gold for it for every month. You for one know that a vast majority of the population wants it (85% of approval). There is one major problem however, congress is greatly opposed to this agreement and you know that they will attempt an impeachement if the deal goes throught. On top of this, the window of opportunity is really small which will make it impossible to hold a debate with the congressman.

Theorizing that the region can be kept in their hand relatively easy. How would you proceed with this situation? Would you go with the deal? And how would you deal with the backlash of this decision, be it the citizenry or congress depending on your choice. And if you go with the deal, how would you spend this money?"


Some of you older folks may remember a real scenario very similar to this one back in the days when eCanada had diamonds.. This scenario explores what our participants would do when given very little time to make a large, and possibly controvertial, decision. Though it's the citizens that chose to elect you, it is Congress that you must answer to. A bit of a historical note: eCanada chose to decline this offer in the past 😮

Gary Hubert: Published here.
George Beeman: Published here.
JohnSmith 2k9: Excused from this scenario.

Annnnd I think that's all. I'm still catching up on many things, so I don't have as much to talk about this time around. But as always, if there's anything you'd like me to talk about in my next article, please make a suggestion in the comments.

Stay tuned for more articles by subscribing to my newspaper, and help others to see this as well by voting it up and shouting it as well.

Thank you for reading!

President of eCanada.

Tuesday, February 28th, 2012.