President of eJapan

Day 2,055, 12:53 Published in Japan Republic of China (Taiwan) by Natsu Natsumee

Dear eJapanese citizen,

Before I write again to much, I want to thank every citizen who voted for me. Especially I want to thank following citizen who helped me:

- Darshu
- Geezus
- Squibeel
- DankChronic
- Hizaya
- Tarasino
- A big thank go to the Janissaries who supported me. Thank you a lot.
- And of course, the parties that supported me.

In my previous article, I worte about my goals I would like to do. I will start with new MPP to get daily DO and with CoT. Tommorow there will be a summit of all CoT members.

Here again my Cabinet:
CP: Natsu Natsumee
vCP: Geezus

MoFA: Squibeel

MoS: Aryzn

Mo😨 William of Edenbury
vMo😨 Drakantas

MoIA: Yagami Mii

MoCH: ardishabutaro
vMoCH: DankChronic

MoF: Tarasino

MoDP: Kagamii Hiiragi
*My Minister will choose a vize if they need one.

I think most of you already saw it, there is an impeach against me going on. I want to ask again for your help so I can do my best for eJapan.

Lets work together for a better eJapan.

Ps. Every japanese Citizen can ask for food and I will send some q5 food.