Preparation of Congress election November 2011

Day 1,461, 12:35 Published in Norway Norway by T Cherub
Hi boys and girls of Norway

In just a few days there will be another Congress election. I want every Norwegian player out there to run for Congress, even if you don't have any political ambitions. The reason is simply to help us push PTOers out of the candidate lists. We know for a fact that we will be seeing a lot of pro ONE candidates in our candidate lists this month. We don't want them in our Congress.

Those of you who want to be on the safelist and are willing to run last minute with a more "tactical" candidacy, please send me a message. By "tactical" candidacy, I mean running with the purpose of rule out PTOers from our Congress.

We will focus our candidates in these three regions:

* Vestlandet
* Sørlandet
* Østlandet

I would also engourage players to head over to parties like AEEA and Surprise Party. TeknoKratene us under new management, so if you're in that party, you'll have to decide if you trust nejjko will prioritize his friends from Serbia over your candidacy. No offense, I'm just saying.
Update: nejjko has commented that he will make sure loyal and trusted players gets priority. Good!

As for Svalbard, this region will probably have some candidates, but we plan to destabilize this region prior to the election. It will be just like we did with Nord-Norge last election.

I will announce a safelist on the 23rd.

Let's get a good Congress election this month too!

President of Norway
Tommy / Cherub