PP Election Speech

Day 2,245, 15:35 Published in Ireland Ireland by King Trito Fisher

Let us sweep aside all this language of jealousy. Let us be big enough to know the facts and to welcome the facts, because the facts are based upon the principle that Ireland has always fought for, namely, the equality of self-governing peoples, whether they were big or little-not counting men, but counting rights, not counting representation, but counting the purpose of that representation.

When you hear an opinion quoted you do not count the number of persons who hold it; you ask, "Who said that?" You weigh opinions, you do not count them, and the beauty of all democracies is that every voice can be heard, every voice can have its effect, every voice can contribute to the general judgment that is finally arrived at. That is the object of democracy.
Illustrating the great by the small, that is true of the passions of nations. It is true of the passions of men however you combine them. Give them space to cool off.

The arrangements of justice do not stand of themselves, my fellow citizens.
There is one thing that the Irish people always rise to and extend their hand to, and that is the truth of justice and of liberty and of peace. We have accepted that truth and we are going to be led by it, and it is going to lead us into a new era of prosperity!

I WILL make Independent Voices a party for all. A party that is ruled by all. I WILL NOT make my position a position of corruption, a position that I use. Instead, it will be a position of freedom for my fellow citizen. Elect me for PP, and your voice WILL be heard!