Population Changes In The Past Year

Day 1,056, 09:55 Published in Serbia USA by Chocolate McSkittles

I randomly came across the excel file in which I came up with the calculations for an old article.

Seeing as its been about a year, that felt like a natural time frame to do a quick analysis of population trends in eRepublik by glancing at the changes in voters in Presidential elections. Do note that I made extensive use of copypasta in the creation of this article, so please forgive me if I accidentally left something in place from my last version of this article.

Why might those numbers be important? While it might seem obvious what the population of a nation is by just looking at the society page of a nation, that number is very much skewed towards an over-estimation of the active population, especially if a country is being conquered (or liberated in the case of India). By doing an analysis of the voting population, we gain a better understanding of how many players are actually active in each nation.

Note that voter turnout is available in game, so I didn't bother doing it this time. Also, my alliances breakdown was done based on the affiliations posted in Woxans article.

The entire results of the election turnout can be found here

I won't be posting them in this article because that would take effort.

Here are some summarized findings.

Countries of Note


Total Voters: 83
Change in voters: 26
% change in voters: 46%
Notes: Glorious.


Total Voters: 2,272
Change in voters: -1180
% change in voters: -48%
Notes: Since I'm posting in Serbia...Anyways, they appeared to have weathered the storm better than most "major" countries.

The eUSA

Total Voters: 1,026
Change in voters: -3559
% change in voters: -78%
Notes: Figured I'd post this one since most of my sub base is american


Total Voters: 25632
Change in voters: -29704
% change in voters: -54%


Total Voters: 11,878
Change in voters: 14,296
% change in voters: -55%

Total Voters: 11,626
Change in voters: 14,020
% change in voters: -55%

Total Voters: 2,051
Change in voters: -1,339
% change in voters: -39%

Analysis: Eden is slightly larger than Phoenix, both have declined dramatically, and every country in "other" that isn't Pakistan is probably getting PTO'd to hell right now, inflating their numbers.

Country Rankings

Top 5 increases in voters:

This section is much less interesting than the...

Top 5 losses in voters:

1. USA: -3559
2. Hungary: 2851
3. Russia: -2580
4. Serbia: -1880
5. Polan😛 -1852

America got owned.

Top 5 percentage change in voters:

1. Bulgaria: 214%
2. Czech: 140%
3. Bolivia: 123%
4. North Korea: 89%
5. Slovenia: 83%

Notse: Czech was actually 3rd place in growth last time I did this. Also, all these guys are probably being PTOd.

Bottom 5 percentage change in voters:

1. Iran: -86%
2. Belgium: -80%
3. Netherlands: -80%
4. USA: -78%
5. UK/Latvia: -74%

Notes: Belgium was 2nd place in population loss last time I did this. Also, they were a big PTO fight back a year ago.

Iran faced huge difficulties with its government regarding the right to access eRepublik, which probably accounts for the severity of their population loss.

Largest by population:

1. Serbia: 2,272
2. Polan😛 1,673
3. Hungary: 1,462
4. Spain: 1,421
5. Romania: 1,253
6. USA: 1,026

Notes: Looks like I'm posting this is Serbia.

Stray Thoughts:

There were only 6 countries with populations greater than 1000, as opposed to 17 a year ago.

This does not take into account PTO/ATO efforts, which would skew smaller countries numbers more so than larger.

Romania is bigger than America now, didn't know that.


eRepublik's dying.
