Political Unity is Not Always a Good Thing

Day 260, 16:38 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds

So, here goes the initial rant.

Upon my arrival in the eUK, a country that I have always admired and had good ties with (I signed some treaty with them too, can't remember which one), the first thing I have noticed is that since Kaleb has left Presidency, there has been somewhat of a vacuum.

Going back through the political history in the UK, back to the days when the UKRP and 313'ers (N.E.W. at the time) battled it out for the "who" part in politics, Kaleb was the man of the hour. I would even go on to say that had he chosen to continue running for Presidency I dont think many of you would have voted against him. He showed himself to be a leader.

Since then, we've seen Final Destiny bring TUP up with his activity and goal of unity through action, rather than belief, and now KIA has done well under the Socialistic People's Communist Party. I've debated this with several people but here's what I have found to be true to me, the "normal" citizen.

1. The economy and government is neither transparent nor free. The Government chooses who can run a successful business and where, how many people you can employ and who you can employ. They do so through the use of the VAT taxes proposals, subsidies to companies who "cooperate" (which are majority owned by Government personnel), and generally making anyone who does anything they consider to be anti-UK to be horrible and evil. Basically, you, the common man will be shat on unless you conform.

2. The forums and access to the Government are horribly restricted. The Congress, no matter how organized they are, should be an open place for citizens to see how their Congressmen and women are supporting you. I would not ask to be allowed to post, but it would be nice to see what the Congress is actually doing. We've (as in us, the UK) have been working on a Constitution since Kaleb was in office in May. We have yet to see that. More or less, I would say that any Government "legislation" that has been decided and proposed is invalid unless you have some type of Constitution to back it up. Otherwise, the only thing Congress is technically allowed to do by default is vote on what the President says.

3. The growth in the UK has picked up slightly over the last week or so, but it is fairly constant with that of other countries. The UK will continue to fall behind, as it's not attractive to get people to come here under the slogan of "Come to the UK, where the Government rules and everyone is our slave". Sure, I could join the Army or any slew of Governmental programs, but what if I dont want to be related to the Government?

4. The elections here are rather dull, thus far. Party Elections are 4 days away. Has everyone simply made up their minds as to who to vote for? I havent seen one shred of campaign from any candidate (unless the media bumped it, which isnt likely considering I check often) about what they intend to do as a candidate. I am sure you'll come back with "We do that in our Party Forums", but what good does that do me? These people are going to be up for President, so these Party Elections should be rather interesting. But, apparently we have better things to do.

I am sure I could come up with more. I am sure most of you probably wont read this, and I am sure that most of you that do are probably going to tell me that I am off base.

But here's the facts: I know what has worked. I don't need an econ degree (or textbook) to tell me what makes the economy grow, or what makes us grow in size. I dont need a lesson, and I dont need a tissue. I'd like to see some action from a Government which, in it's utopic state is run by the people, not one run by the top 40 people of a country and denies input from the majority of the rest of it.