Polish Invasion of Asgard

Day 1,818, 06:40 Published in Norway Norway by T Cherub

Poland has been spending the recent days invading Sweden and Finland. Officially teaching Sweden a lesson, but most likely also due to the in-game missions.

It is safe to say that Poland may very well steamroll Scandinavia with their high number of soldiers compared to ours, just as it is safe to say Poland in the end showed their true face and intentions. Poland is now running the "either you are with us, or you are against us"-politics against Sweden and Finland. Norway might very well be next, but that would most likely involve fighting against EDEN.

I feel bad for Sweden and Finland these days. I feel bad that Norway can't help them more than we can. We are right now voting over leaving EDEN and joining Asgard, but the votes are so far heavily towards staying in EDEN. That might very well be what will save us in the end.

So what can we do? I am confident most of us in Norway feels strongly for our Nordic neighbors, and we want to help them as best we can. At one hand we want to join their forces and give Poland hell, and on the other hand we are obliged to help our brothers in EDEN. I would not be surprised if it felt more soothing to look away from EDEN orders and fight for Sweden and Finland.

I'm not going to instruct you what to do, but merely putting words to what I feel and what I assume most of us Norwegians feel. In the end, we are a small nation, but we have big hearts. We feel for our Nordic brothers and we feel for our allies. I still have big faith in the Asgard Vikings and their endurance.

Thank you for reading,
Loyal Norwegian Citizen
Tommy / Cherub