Poking the Bear (And Why It's a Bad, Bad Idea)

Day 3,073, 11:05 Published in USA Serbia by Adolphus Broadnax

As most of you know by now, I like to wander into battles and take Battlefield Hero medals. It's fun, it adds a little interest to the game, but most importantly, it keeps people on their toes. I don't want to play a war game where I fall asleep from boredom just playing on easy mode.

Cue Ruthless Warrior. This individual has decided for whatever reason that he wants to target me specifically. Keep in mind, I generally just take whatever BH is available when I need to burn some energy. It seems he has a personal grudge with me.

Two or three times now, he has followed me into a battle in the end in an attempt to take the BH away from me. I'm not really sure why he feels the need, but if you are feeling froggy, then jump.

By all means, if you want to paint a target on your back and draw my special attention, go for it. But make no mistake: I keep every pack on here, I buy what I want, and I'm more than happy to burn as many energy bars, bombs, damage accelerators, and tanks as it takes to repay your kindness.

I'll be seeing you soon, baby. 😉