Point Taken: Interview With GoalieBCSC

Day 1,449, 15:34 Published in USA USA by Tosh O'Point

Last night I had the opportunity to sit down and chat with GoalieBCSC, the newly elected President of the eUSA. I asked some of the hard questions that our nation wants answers for, and some easy ones so we can all get to know him a little better.

Point Taken: : What made you want to run for President, and why now?
Goalie: I've wanted to run for president since February. Many different issues happened until this point, mainly getting settled after moving 1200 miles back in August and getting settled afterwards.
Point Taken: : May I ask where you've moved to (and from)?
Goalie: I moved to Texas from was the Midwest.

Point Taken: : Obviously two big questions that your administration is facing are the economy and the invasion. What plans do you have to address those issues?
Goalie: The economy we can't do much about, as we are dealing with artificially created issues that are outside of our control. Taxes are one of the few ways to impact it. Looking around, many countries are in the same boat as us.
With the Invasion, making sure Serbia and Poland pay for invading us is the best plan, Resistance wars are important to use against them.
Point Taken: : Do you plan to have a large role in directing the Generals of the USAF and other MUs as the war continues?
Goalie: I do not plan on micro managing the Generals of the USAF during this war, I will however be sitting down with them in the next week to get some overall goals and idea's down for the next month.

Point Taken: : If you had any advice for newer players in the game, what would it be?
Goalie: Join the military, and get on IRC. If you get on IRC it makes this game much better, and people are much more willing to help. As once you get on IRC, you have a 50-60% chance of sticking with the game over not joining IRC
Note: You can find more info on IRC here: http://eusaforums.com/forum/index.php/topic,2738.0.html

Point Taken: : What do you anticipate will be the most unexpected thing that happens while you are in office?
Goalie: People leaving the game, it always happens but it never is a good thing.

Point Taken: : What is one thing that most people don't know about you, but should?
Goalie: I very rarely do not respond to in game PM's or IRC queries. Which is both a blessing and a problem.

Thank you again to GoalieBCSC for your time. Thank you, readers, for your time to read the interview as well. As always, my inbox is always open for comments, corrections, and suggestions.

Unill next time,
Tosh O’Point.