Poem of the Day (10/8/18)

Day 3,916, 03:33 Published in Norway Ireland by Violence Seth
Poem of the Day

T'ao Ch'ien by Olav Håkonson Hauge (1908-1994)

Born in Hordaland, Norway, Olav Håkonson Hauge grew up on a farm in the village of Ulvik. He learned English and German in school and later taught himself French by reading. He spent many years training in horticulture and fruit cultivation.

He wrote Modernist poetry latter in his life, particularly Concrete or Shape poetry. He was inspired by early Chinese poetry, noted for its simplicity and elegance.

T'ao Ch'ien

If T'ao Ch'ien
comes to visit someday, I will
show him my cherry and apple trees.
I hope he'll come in the spring
when they're all in bloom. Then we'll relax in the shade
over a glass of cider, perhaps I'll show him
a poem...

This poem is reminiscent of the Fields and Gardens style of early Chinese poetry; very sparse yet vivid with imagery. Many of Hauge's poems are similar albeit more modern, dealing with themes of depression and isolation.

If you'd like more information on Hauge I suggest checking out Gilbert Wesley Purdy's review of Hauge's book of collected poems, The Dream We Carry by clicking here.

Thank you for reading, I'll be posting a new poem everyday so if you enjoyed be sure to subscribe!

Slán go fóill!
