Platocchio* choose your destiny!

Day 2,126, 01:05 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by STOYCH3V

Hello everybody,

First of all I would like to inform you that I’m around 900 points before getting energy bars. But I don’t really care if Platocchio assess to ban me, probably it will be better for me.

Now straight to the point!

*Platocchio😛lato=greedy hustler and for the first pic refer to Pinocchio

Platocchio choose your destiny!

First option is inspired by one Bulgarian joke for Pinocchio:

Do you know what happen with Pinocchio when he is doing handjob*?
He burn out 😃

*manipulate his wooden d*** with his wooden hand! Just like Platocchio manipulate the game with his wooden empty head!

The second option is:
To choke with money you greedy m***** f*****!

Dear Platocchio, sorry but I wish you to burn choked greedy hustler!

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