Pizza for Ethnikistiko Metwpo Party President

Day 1,361, 16:06 Published in Greece USA by Pizza The Hut

I have been thinking about which party to join and while I have many good friends across all of eGreece, I have made the decision to become a member of Ethnikistiko Metwpo. This party is the one which consistently stands up and defends Greece and represents Greek patriotism at its finest! However, we saw in the last election that a Pro-Turkish puppet candidate was sadly able to take the Country Presidency of eGreece. It is for this reason that I am declaring my candidacy for Party President of Ethnikistiko Metwpo as I am here to help save Greece and restore it to the hands of honorable citizens. Read below for my plan to make this party and this country even greater!

Who am I?
- For those of you who have not heard of me, my name is Pizza The Hut. I am a former American citizen and a longtime friend of eGreece. One of the issues I am well known for is my strong opposition to America's alliance with INCI and with any sort of friendship with the Turks, who cannot be trusted and who are our sworn enemies. I have served as a Party President and Congressman as well as in sensitive positions of government many times. I am not afraid to speak the truth even when the political elites say to do otherwise and I pride myself on my honesty and loyalty. I am someone who always has and always will stand by my Greek brothers-in-arms.

What is my plan for the party?
- If elected Party President I promise to make us the #1 party in the country by the end of my term. I am the only person in eAmerican history who has repeatedly taken parties from obscurity to the Top 5 or very close to it. Further, we will win the most seats in the Congressional Elections and we will win the Presidency. I also will encourage members to get more involved in the party to help assist with this goal. For the security of eGreece it is essential that a party of strong patriots take a commanding role in the political arena. In the last CP race other parties were able to unite to put in a Pro-Turkish candidate to the Country Presidency. We must not allow this to happen again.

Why vote for me?
- I may not be of Greek descent and I may not speak Greek(although if you want to teach me I would love to learn it!), but my heart is Greek. I am glad to have met so many great Greek friends on this game who really do believe in the exceptionalism of their people and who believe as I do, that whether it is in real life or in-game, it is absolutely crucial to remember who you are, what you believe, and to remember who your true friends and enemies are. If elected as your Party President, we will start a new era of greatness for eGreece.

Let's get to work!

Pizza The Hut
Party Presidential Candidate
Ethnikistiko Metwpo