Party President Elections

Day 1,091, 09:52 Published in USA USA by ligtreb
This article is intended for those with USA citizenship. Those in other countries will have other instructions

I've been a proud USWP member for almost my entire e-life. But if you check my profile later on tonight, it will say I'm a member of a different party. This isn't because the USWP isn't awesome (it is) or that Haliman isn't the right choice for Party President (he is).

It's because I'm trying to help the country, as all of you should too.

Today is Party President Election Day. Every month it seems, at least one of our major parties is under threat of PTO (Political Take Over), meaning someone from an enemy country is running for Party President with the hopes of winning and using that party to help elect enemy combatants into Congress. This month is no exception.

As I do nearly every month, I ask all of you to hold your vote until your last log-in, and move to whatever party needs your help the most. You can return to your party after you vote. For example, if I move to S.E.E.S to vote for Nicholas Ryan, after I vote for him I will go back to my original party.

Steps on how to vote today:
1) If you're in a party, resign from it. Go here:
2a) If you have time, go on IRC (Rizon server, and both are easy) for advice on who to vote for. Reliable channels include #ato and #tc
2b) If you can't get on IRC, make your best judgment on who to vote for based on who's losing or who's closest (see below for results links and list of candidates)
3) Join the party of the candidate you vote for. Go to the same link as in Step 1 and find the right party.
4) Vote for the candidate
5) After you vote, you can resign from the party you joined and go back to your old one.

Candidates who need to win (in order of current voting need):


Candidate who needs to win: Nicholas Ryan
Link for current results
Party URL:

Amer. Defense and Trade Party

Candidate who needs to win: Iasov
Link for current results
Party URL:

United Independents Party

Candidate who needs to win: Athanaric
Link for current results
Party URL:

Federalist Party

Candidate who needs to win: Melissa Rose
Link for current results
Party URL:

United States Workers Party

Candidate who needs to win: Haliman
Link for current results
Party URL:

Newspapers you can trust for information about PTO threats:

White House Press Room
President Alexander Hamilton's Newspaper
Vice President Gulden Draak's newspaper
DoD Orders
eUS Department of Education
Rod Damon's newspaper
FEC You, America
The Hanging Chad

On an unrelated note, it should be noted that Storm Shadow is putting together a team of people to help revive the USA Welcoming Committee. Please send them a friend request so you can see their shouts:

Thanks for reading.