Page break to Albanian Unity Party!

Day 1,397, 04:34 Published in USA Bosnia and Herzegovina by Jimakos-Thess

Dear Albanian people,

Elections were over to our party. Antechao was the winner with 9 votes. But during the votes counting Antechao and his co-candidate Ante Thanasi were banned. That automatically meant that I took the place of Party President because I had the most experience points in the party. After that aLalban told me to resign and I didn’t thought about that a second. I resigned because I am in that party as a gift to the guy who gave me the American citizenship. But after that and a conversation I had with aLalban he allowed to me to become next President.

Now we can go to the important information :
In that month we have some priorities in that party and we must succeed in them. Our priorities are :
1. Put pressure in admins to put Albania on the map. Rumors say that this will become true in autumn.
2. Join a big alliance. The best choice for us is EDEN/Terra.
3. Make a forum for our party/community. This will unite our people and we will come to useful conclusions via conversation.
4. Try to bring more Albanians in the game to help us.

We greet our ally Greece and we hope to have a nice co-operation!

In the end I want to tell you that we have one official candidate for now. He is aLalban and he will candidate via United States Workers Party (most known as USWP). Also I want to announce the policy secretariat of our party:
Jimakos-Thess : Party President
aLalban : Vice President and Congressmember (if he succeed in elections)
Kris Hasa : Press office
Nino54 : Social Interactions and Albanian representer in diplomatic relations with other countries (His previous account was Taoism which was hacked and banned for multiple accounts)
provakator and Ilan Arazi : Responsible for Albanian Baby Boom

Best regards,