Opium with the Vice President

Day 1,765, 18:34 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Monsieur Guillontine

Salut madams and monsieurs,

So our lovely president, Lotus Black, has been publishing some great updates known as "Coffee with the President". Well, I have some updates I would like to address as well, the only difference between that I don't drink coffee... I smoke opium... and I know you do too!

First off, I would like to discuss the new changes to the political module which has not yet really been clearly explained. Until now. So basically, from now on, when voting for Congress, you will no longer be able to vote for a single candidate. Instead, you can only vote for a party as a whole. For example, the Swiss Peace Party could receive 20 votes out of 100 total votes. This means that the Swiss Peace Party accumulated 20% of the total votes, and since Switzerland can have up to 30 congressmen, what this means is that the Swiss Peace Party's first 6 candidates from the priority list will be elected. How are candidates chosen for the priority list then? Well, party presidents have been given much more power now, especially because they will be able to choose the order of congressional candidates on the priority list. Yeah, it's a huge change to the political module which could result in tons of problems. However, on the bright side, inactive players will have no chance of snatching a congress seat. And not only that, but political take-overs will become much more difficult.

Okay so besides the new changes which will be implemented this September election, it seems like Switzerland has been opening her arms to many immigrants after our congress was finally elected in August, after having been occupied for several months. This acceptance of so many foreigners has drawn both criticism and praise, where some celebrate the welcoming of newcomers, whereas some disagree with such an open immigration policy. It is important that although many have been granted citizenship recently, the government does have an established Ministry of Homeland Security, which does thorough research on every citizenship applicant. So is it really bad that we're accepting so many new citizens if our congress is well aware of who we are letting into the country? That's up to you to decide.

Keep your head high, but not too high. Don't sit back and relax, stand up and observe. See if you are satisfied with our current government or not. Our military? Our community in general? Make a difference, tell your story. Do something to change Switzerland for the better.

Let's fight. Fight for peace.

Peace out,
Monsieur Guillontine
Vice President of Switzerland