Operation Toe Drag is almost a go.

Day 1,141, 17:43 Published in USA Australia by Justin McCravok

Sup, America. Rumor is that Haliman has a pretty good chance of winning tomorrow's elections, and you know what that means, right?

My textbook

Starting on the 6th of January, the Era of McCravok will be in full swing, and over the next month, you will learn to love me for it. I'll do it with just three words, too: Operation Toe Drag. Please allow me to explain.

If Haliman was to per-say win the eUSA Presidential Elections of January 5th, Twenty-Eleven, this guy right here will be the United States Secretary of Interior...again. And ladies and gentlemen, boy will it be a sweet, sweet ride. Haliman wins, I become SecInterior again, and Operation Toe Drag can begin. Finally.

Operation Toe Drag, or Op TD, is about getting all of the newbs in the eUSA players active...and not "2-clicker, I don't give a **** about this game let me just work for a few days and get bored and overfight and rage quit" active. Nah man, this is about changing the mentality...breeding a new generation of n00bs. n00bs that wouldn't be here if we didn't actually reach out to them personally, and in an effective way. N00bs that wouldn't be here if Justin McCravok wasn't here. And yes, to answer your question, I am just that damn cocky.

New Help Channel
Ever since Lantrip's term in Presidency, #TC has been the unofficial-official help channel of the eUnited States of America. Blank Keating and myself are working to change things around, and of course, for the better. At the moment, a discussion is ongoing in congress to make #usa-interior the official USA Help Channel. With the power invested within me, I have gathered a strong, core group of members to lurk in the channel, ready to answer to any new players who need the assistance. I ran a test today using my regular nickname Justin_McCravok, and in two minutes I had a response...and the channel isn't even near as strong as I plan to make it. I have so many things running through my head with this thing that not even Kanye West can touch me...and if I knew a crazy guy...

Keating has some good ideas too, but he'll never be as good as me.

Edit: Reading over what Iasov has in mind, you can't go wrong with his ideas.. I will cooperate with Iasov to make sure we get the perfect channel for new citizens, and this will be one of my priorities during the next month.

Shouting and Friending: A Guide To Communication
About a month from the publication of this article, Admin introduced a silent but visible new change: Six shouts per person. Sounds pretty sweet, right? Oh it is. With six shouts and no sign of a step-back in sight, people need things to shout about. So, here's my idea: Why not have a Shout Squad Director, in charge of creating and directing the sending of messages to shout throughout the United States? I mean, almost everybody reads shouts, and for newer players with only 10 friends, it's important they get the most important information. They may not read articles, but they'll surely read a 150 character sentence...especially if all 10 of their friends post it.

Additionally: Citizens who friend all new Americans, then shout to them what the director assigns. I'd love to hear some feedback in the comments, but I think my mind is made up. Justin McCravok, this is the greatest idea ever and I love you

Strong Staff, Strong America
I know this whole thing with Haliman is based off a New Breed, New Generation, New Flesh etc. etc. Keeping that in mind, I've put my mind to assembling the most awesome cabinet of all time of all time.. Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you:

Deputy Secretary of Interior: Comandokiller
Deputy Secretary of Interior: Blank Keating
Deputy Secretary of Interior: Dan "The Man" Heylin

MoW Director: Syrup (Blame Haliman)
Mentor Director: Fionia
Human Resources: Animis
Community Development Program: Unknown
Shout Squad Directors: HobbitTon and Richard Nixon II
Secretary of Education: Blank Keating/RainySunday
Mass Messenging Squa😛 Unknown

Advisors: Anyone willing to share ideas or participate in the Department of Interior

So why the name Operation Toe Drag? Drag the new player's toe into eRepublik. It's a clever/strange name, but it gets the point across. I'll drag as many toes as it takes to make America number one in the world.

Ladies and Gentlemen, all of this may not seem like a whole lot, but it's only one third of the ideas I plan to execute during my term as SecInterior. Legitimately. I honestly just got tired of writing. After I am certain that Haliman is elected, the rest shall be announced in due time.

If Inwegen was to win, all ideas would be forwarded to HobbitTon in anticipation of him doing what's right and putting my ideas into affect.

Goodnight for now America. We have a bright future in the morning.