Operation Toe Drag: And There's More!

Day 1,142, 14:15 Published in USA Australia by Justin McCravok

Last night, I released an article about the Department of Interior and some of my plans, all stirring into this thing called "Operation Toe Drag". Not failing to deliver, I can safely assume that Haliman will win today's election. That being said, it's time for me to reveal part two of Operation Toe Drag. I was just too excited to wait.

Me excited

For those who are misinformed or just too lazy to click or read my last article, Operation Toe Drag is my attempt at reviving the Interior program...and America. Through the starting of new programs and more personalized conversations, I will use the Interior to bring more new players into eRep and attract more general interest. I had and said some ideas on how to do it in my last article, but this article will be fresh with new plans. Enjoy and be thankful for Justin McCravok.

I present to you Part 2 of Operation Toe Drag.

More Personalized CDP Message

The Community Development Program, or CDP, is a program with about 10 volunteers that messages every new citizen and informs them of basic eRepublik mechanics. Many, many countries run a program like it, and it's easy to see why: It's effective. Not only does it allow for personal mentoring through the person who sent the message, but it also gives people information that they can't find in the New Citizen Message.

My first days in office, here's what I plan with the CDP Message:
-More Personal, more reaching out to the citizen by directly asking them if they need help with anything.
-Graphics similar of those in the eUSA New Citizen Message
-Assuring information in the NCM is not repeated too frequently in the CDP Message.

Simple things, but effective. I will get the job done. America: You can count on me (and Blank Keating and Comandokiller and Dan Heylin)

More Articles

The Interior should be like: Writing articles every day, encouraging new players to be active, encouraging old players to get more involved. And I'm not talking about Secretary of Education type articles, but I mean fun, general articles that'll get the public involved and have them interacting with others. This general idea leads me to my next idea, and perhaps one of the greatest yet...

I know you love him

Secretary of Fun

Some of you citizens may be familiar with a position of Secretary of Fun. Yeah, it's true, it wasn't actually ever that fun. Well, get ready citizens, because a merge is about to happen.

Here's what I expect from the Secretary of Fun. Interactive Polls, Interactive Articles with lots of pictures. Articles with short stories and attention grabbing information to share. eUSA Forum usage and questions to get the mind thinking fun stuff if ya no wut i mean.

It'll be like having Michael Porter everywhere, and yes, I mean everywhere.

-The short articles will have comics.

-The polls will be general fun and won't be something that's only appealing to politicians, or a question that can turn into a debate.

-Oh yeah, and their might be eUSA Awards and it might be called the Amurica is Wunderbar Award Show. But that's just a might. *wink*

Half-Price For Dummy Books and a new Operation Name
PigInZen has proudly announced that he works for the "For Dummy" book creator company. Do you know what this means, America? Well, do you?

Half.Price.For.Dummy.Books.Oh.F.Yes. You're welcome America, you owe me one. Just message PigInZen and tell him that you want one of those "World Domination books", he'll hook you up.

Also in the plans is a new Operation Name. I'd love to hear any suggestions in the comments, because apparently, there have been complaints about the name Operation Toe Drag. I'm not going to name any names RaccoonGoon but yeah, just let me hear what you have in mind, and I'll choose the best one.

10USD to whoever picks the one I like most~
Strapped for cash, apologies :/

I hope you guys enjoyed some more of the ideas that I had to share...and like I said in my last article, this is only a total notch of 2/3 of my plans. The next article will be released tomorrow, Friday, or on the weekend at the latest, and it will exhibit even more frickin' great ideas for America.

Afterwards I'll release a recap article, giving a short list of everything I want to accomplish in the upcoming month. Because I realize that like 90% of you don't actually read the friggin' articles.

Also I'm not even officially SecInterior yet, how am I doing?

A New Interior, A New Plan, A New America. Amurica is Wunderbar

I endorse this article by Gaylord Q. Tinkledink