Open call to create expert policymakers board.

Day 1,786, 15:55 Published in United Kingdom USA by Alphabethis

Maybe, you may have noticed that the raw force of numbers of vote doesn't
imply a good government, necessarily. You may have noticed that month after month the same faces ( and masks ) are there. But, if you're unlucky enough to realize it, eUK is getting nowhere with these "experienced" and "knowledgeable" people.

It's time that YOU, yes, I mean YOU, start doing something. Specially if YOU are a Real Life Experienced guy, maybe with engineering qualification, able to brainstorming and "structured" discussing. The time has come. We cannot leave the power in hands of teenagers or young people who think that singing the lethany of all serbian wars ten months ago qualify them to any policy-making.

How could it be done?
First watch this:

And yes, probably , there're lots of nonsenses in that scheme, but the whole point of it is one:
- mind maps help structured brainstorming.

You can discuss days and weeks in a(the) forum, and then leave every
single opinion spread in the threat. OR you can classify, discuss, deride
every single opinion/idea into a cohesive TREE OF IDEAS .

I don't add any single word. If you think what I'm up too it means
you're intelligent and qualified enough to join. Remember, the ones
in charge are not qualified. It's time for YOU to take the reins.