Once More, Unto the Breach!

Day 1,242, 18:28 Published in USA USA by bombonato

Reporter: Israel Stevens
Dateline: Day 1241
Location: Somewhere along the Texas/New Mexico border

On a cool, cloudy night, a group of dedicated Army Soldiers were silently moving towards their objective. With a raised hand, the commander halted the group, and peered around. All the soldiers took a moment to consider the deep irony of what they were about to do. They stood on the border of Mexico. New Mexico to be exact. The region had been lost a few days earlier, and occupied by Mexican Forces. It had been one defeat amongst many, but hopefully, tonight would be different.

The group pressed forward, crossing the border into Mexico. They were unsure what awaited them, but knew that each and everyone of them would face it with the same steely resolve. They had been together for a long time, this group. And they worked together flawlessly.

A senior officer by the name of Henry Bessemer had organized the deployment, getting everyone loaded into the helos, supplied with enough rations to last them days if necessary. He was an old vet, and this was certainly not his first rodeo.

With their Commanding Officer being away, the group was being led by Executive Officer Kyler Lee Octan. He was relaying orders to them from his superiors, and knew that they were approaching a hotspot. He stopped the group, and briefed them on the situation. Reminding them that while their countrymen fought to defend Kentucky, they would need to do their part. The people of New Mexico had not reacted well to their Mexican Oppressors, and were in a state of open revolt. Fighting had erupted in the streets of Santa Fe, and Albuquerque. And now American Military forces were moving to support the rebels. Although it was only one state, it was a vital one, and a victory would cut off the Mexican Military from it’s Capital.

As Lieutenant General Octan was finishing, a round struck the earth in front of him. The soldiers that had only moments before been crouching next to him, scattered; finding cover where they could. The area around them erupted in a blaze of fire, and a hail of bullets. Yells of Arriba! and Vaya Con Dios, Gringos! could be heard all around them. But the soldiers kept crouching, remaining cool and collected as their training had taught them to do. As the Mexican forces paused to reload, a Private lobed a flash bang over his embankment. It exploded with a pop and Octan ordered his soldiers up over the hill.

They crested the hill, and opened fire. Short, controlled bursts exploded from the front of their M16s. The team moved in unison, simultaneously firing, reloading, and covering each other; to ensure that no one was left behind. The night air was awash with muzzle flashes, and the crack and popple of machine gun fire. Tracer rounds whizzed past the soldiers, and they nary batted an eye. This was routine for them. Being thrust into the world’s hot spots was what they did on a daily basis. This group was fresh off a deployment to Serbia, where they helped liberate Croatia. And no group of Mexicans was going to stand in their way.

In a very short time, the Army had secured the left flank, and focused all their firepower towards the middle. The Mexican Military was doing an excellent job of holding out, knowing that if they could just hold off the American advance, that they would be reinforced by their tanks, only a few clicks away.

Being the ever wily General that he was, Kyler Lee ordered his troops to find cover. He was confident that a solution would present itself, and was not going to risk lives needlessly.

As if on cue, Navy F/A-18s from Seal Team 6 screamed over head, unleashing a torrent of missiles upon the approaching Mexican Armor. Great balls of flame, and fire exploded just past the Mexican positions. The ground shook, as tank after tank was laid to waste by the Naval bombardment. The Fighters circled back, checking to make sure that no tank had survived their vicious onslaught, and then were off, heading towards Santa Fe.

Octan motioned for this troops to continue pressing forward, and they did so without hesitation. As they rose from cover, bullets whipped the air all around them. Colonel Kria Erikson was nearly shot, and as the rage filled her she decided that the Mexican that had tried to shoot her, had definitely tasted his last taco. She raised her weapon to her shoulder, and with three quick squeezes, quickly put her assailant down.

Upon seeing this display of controlled rage, and deadly precision, the embedded Mexican Forces threw down their weapons and surrendered to the American Army.

Octan knew that this was only one round, but a win was a win. Luckily, he and his troops were not alone, and he was confident, that at the end of the day, the American Flag would be crisply snapping over the New Mexican State House.

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Captain Israel Stevens
1st Division, Executive Officer

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