Day 995, 14:28 Published in United Kingdom USA by Chocolate McSkittles
eUK. This land has overcome invasions, PTOs, idiots, GLaDOS, GF, and much, much more.
However, the eUnited Kingdom face their biggest threat yet.
It is their downfall in real life, and it looks likely to be the UKs downfall in eRepublik.
Yes, I am, of course, talking about the recent announcement by the admins:

II. Food consumption project

We also have good news for those who wish to fight more. In the following two weeks, we will remove the automatic food consumption. This implies that you will be able to manually eat food multiple times a day. More information about this subject will be revealed in a future update/Insider.

That's right. Brits will now be able to eat as much food as they want, inevitably leading to tooth decay!

The Dental Hygiene epidemic is here, UK.

Your end is near.