Numbers, Events, and People Warming My Cold Mechanical Heart

Day 898, 09:57 Published in USA Japan by Shinybluepope

Well, there are a couple of things I wanted to go over. Two involve party matters and the other applies to everyone who wants to have a fun story to read for a while into the future. That story is the Gnaeus Saga, be an event for everyone to enjoy. You can learn more about it below.

The Gnaeus Saga Event
The Mighty Number 15
Party Member Shout Outs

The Gnaeus Saga Event

This is the Technocratic Party's newest party initiative (awesome) coming straight from the kitty mind of Christofer McCollum (awesome)! Various party members will be writing different installments of the Gnaeus Saga, a story of our past Party President, current party Congressman, and sexeh little robot, Gnaeus Progenitor . What will Gnaeus' saga be about? What dangers will he encounter? I honestly have no clue but it will be AWESOME.

The installments will be released consecutively with the first coming from Christofer McCollum through his newspaper, the Raptor Report! Keep track of the newsfeed and Technocratic party member shouts to find out when each installment pops up.

The Gnaeus Saga. SRS BSNS.

The Mighty Number 15

Technocrats and friends, trolls and enemies, I leave my freaking awesome mansion (I swear I don't live in my mother's basement) today to bring a message to you all. The number 42 may be the Answer to the ultimate question of Life, the Universe, and Everything, but 15 is the number I care about today. Why? Assuming no major fluctuations in our own or other parties' membership, we need 15 new members to join our party to become the 10th largest party in the eUS. Technocrats, we do not need 7.5 million years to reach 15. We just need several days, some drive, and a bit of direction.

I mass mailed everyone in the party recently asking you to make an attempt to recruit at least one person to the party (sorry about the spam again). For those of you that do not wish to, that is more than fine. For those of you that want more Technos running amok through eRepublik, know that it is not that hard to make such an attempt!

Go to this page that will tell you who is online in our country. Pick someone random to message an invite to the party. Feel free to use parts or all of the boiler plate invite message on our forums (try tailoring it to the person you message). You could simply message the lowest level players something like:
"hey. I see your new. If you have any questions about the game, check out our beginner's guide to eRep on our forums. Join the party if you like what you see."

It is simple and will take you at most 15 minutes. Wow, 15 is creeping up in this article a lot. Creepy.

Puggy wants his number 15. Will you make Puggy happy?

Shout Outs

I just wanted to mention some of the awesome new folks that have popped up in our party, started participating extensively, and warmed my cold mechanical heart.

Dumb Emma
Jackson Deville

Yay, you guys get your very own Dog-Box-bot thing!

To anyone I failed to mention that feels they should have been, I am terribly sorry. Post moar on the forum and I will be sure to remember you.

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