Northern Exposure - 8/16/2012

Day 1,730, 16:55 Published in Canada Canada by Venoms III

Special Props to WallyCleaver for our new banner artwork.

Northern Exposure: 8/16/2012

We are LIVE on air at 14:30 eRep time...why not listen in on the Link at the bottom of this article

Would you like to connect live for open mic? check out this “How To” guide and have your say!

You can also catch up to the conversation on IRC by joining #Northern-Exposure

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Opening Music

Our Big 3
1) The Dissolving of ONE

2) Changing Politics - What We Would Do To Improve The Political Module

3) New Player Growth & Retention - How Do We Keep The Game Alive

Closing Music

Link:Northern Exposure: 8/16/2012