New Things in eRep - I’d like to see!

Day 1,468, 10:02 Published in Romania Republic of Moldova by Vlad Dracula Mike
New Things in eRep - I’d like to see!

We have a FRIEND's TAB, MILITARY UNIT TAB, i'd like to see a TAB for Political Parties, but lets take it one at the time.
1. Friend’s TAB there is not much to say about it.
2. Millitary Unit TAB – I’d like to be able to:
a. aplly to a military unit and have a commander approve your application
B. even maybe have a little test made out of 3-4-5 questions made up by commnaders
This way Military Units can control better who will be part of the M.U.

3. Political Parties TAB – next to Frisnds and Military Unit.
A. Apply for Political party and the president should confirm the aplcation and approve it
B. Application should be approved by PP – this would actually prevent PTO
C. Invent a medal for the Party President – right now a P.P. has NO goals and his need in the game is ZERO
D. P.P. should be automatically enter in the Congress since there are elections for PP
E. Political Parties SHOULD be able to spend their money (on whatever they want) economical programs or ingame publicity, donations to smaller players to help baby boom both in country in party and in eRep pokets. ;o)
F. A mode that will allow the PP and his secretary to send message to all party members at once – this would help a lot when sending messages on Election Day.
G. A module similar to the military unit but adanpted to the political needs of the game.

Economical Module

- It is insane to even think to HIRE a player in a Q1, Q2, Q3 factory IF you have to pay him 130 (whatever). The previous MODULE with salaries managed in concordance with player’s level & skills would be more appropriate.
- We have to be able to hire smaller players in smaller factories for smaller salaries.
- It is insane to think that 1 player after playing eRep for 3 days will get same salary as a 2 years old player or more. I know we all have companies BUT its not realistic AT ALL.
- I personally have 6 storages – it would be cool to actually increase the capacity of the STORAGE without adding 200 buildings on site. Even IF we pay for the land.

Ingame Ideas
- I personally believe that there should be a MISSION campaign where different mission should be designated to different levels. eRep is asking a small player to kill 444 soldiers or other mission that have a limited time to be achieved and smaller soldiers will never manage to finish such tastks.

There is more to say about this game BUT lets see at elast one OF these IMPLEMENTED .

VOTE & COMMENT ON THIS - the more you do the more chances to see something happening


Becasue I am not looking for my own interests i have included some of the "MORE" clrear ideas with their names so you know who said what. ;o)

Respect to all of your voting.



1. Axeell Young - Day 1,469, 00:41 - 1h 35m ago

Add this next to the smaller missions for smaller players:
Order of the day: A new player with 2-300 health can not finish the OOD in 12 hours without being glued on the screen waiting for a health refill. Witch will cost him 600 health to finish and that is A LOT of food for a small player.

2. pure_evil - Day 1,469, 02:13 19m ago
Also :
- Nobody should see anyone's votes in elections before the results are out, even his own vote count (Congress and President).
- One can only vote in the state he has been in the day before elections for Congress.

Let's have a more RL-like elections...

EDIT 2 :

dusmanul_86 to Vlad Dracula Mike | one hour ago

in ultimul articol ai putea sa adaugi se ne lase sa facem firme pe um-uri(in firme sa poti angaja mai mult de 5 oameni) si sa se dea drumu la forumul erep
English version.
"In your last article you could also add "Let us make companies for Military Units and be able to hire more than 5 workers in this M.U.Commpanies. Also turn on the eRep forum"

EDIT 3: SStoilkov Day 1,469, 12:35 21m ago

I want to say for everyone will be better if they make list with missions that we can accept and do them then when we finish them we can do again new mission for example after 2 or 3 days. That will make much easier for people to do different types of missions, not to wait ages for new missions to come out.

I think will be better if we have bank where to keep different money safe and the bank to be control from bot or something from game not real people, so no one going to touch the money.

Also will be good if we have one more market which will be with offers that different people can offer. Then you can accept the offer you want. That will make for people to trade safely and trade also items such as items for bazooka etc. For example I put offer with 5 scope parts of bazooka and someone offer me 2 rockets for bazooka and if I accept we will change the items each other.