New Military Pact /// Poland and Turkey

Day 1,469, 13:34 Published in United Kingdom Serbia by Krindendo

“When you're lonely, I'll be lonely too” ― Lady Gaga

"Jeszcze Polska nie zginęła,
Kiedy my żyjemy.
Co nam obca przemoc wzięła,
Szablą kebab odbierzemy.

Marsz, marsz, Maniekowski,
Z ziemi turecki do Polski,
Za twoim przewodem
Zlaczym sie z narodem!"

"Poland has not perished yet,
So long as we still live.
What foreign force has taken from us,
We shall take back with the sword kebab.

March, march, Maniekowski,
From Turkey to Poland,
Under thy command
Let us now rejoin the nation!"

HINT: 2in1 Military Pact