My bid for Dáil

Day 825, 14:30 Published in Ireland USA by Cpl Useless

I come before you today to ask for your support on my first bid into the Dáil. I have thrown my name into the fold for a seat in Dublin. I can promise you, if elected, I will be an active member and fulfill my duties:
-actively reading the forums and press
-giving the views of my fellow citizens and myself in the Dáil and the press

Your support will not go to waste. I realize that I will have some things to learn about Dáil procedure and practice, but I have every confidence I can work my way in just fine. I have spent time abroad in this eWorld and have good experience.

If you have any questions, feel free to comment or PM.

Éire go Brách!
Ní neart go cur le chéile.

Ireland Forever!
There is no strength without unity.

Cpl Useless