Mother Of Dragons

Day 1,807, 20:12 Published in Australia Australia by Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen

Indulge me if you will.

When I first began this game... so many years ago, I was just coming off a long term addiction of Star Wars Combine. A game I had played for 6+ year, a dedicated player and servant to my princess, I was an assassin, the right hand of darkness. I would spend weeks, sometimes months manipulating people to fulfil the job. I was very good at it too, perhaps too good and it began to have seriously detrimental effects on my real world. It took a long time to kill my character off simply because of my reputation and strength of my character... anyway eventually we devised a way, betrayal etc etc... it was a very heavy role playing game and after so long, my character deserved a proper death... anyway that was so many years ago...

Then one day I was wandering the web, saw a banner for erepublik and pressed the link. I was basically just a little curious and looking for a way to amuse myself but be able to keep the game at an arms length.

eAus was invaded on the day I arrived... now this annoyed me. I did not want to be a soldier, I did not want to be a warrior or have anything to do with military. I just wanted to be part of something. To fill the hole left by SWC... but I learned very quickly that was not going to be the case...

However I had already planned out my character... as a writer in real life, I am perhaps a little obsessive about things like characters, motivation etc etc. While I do not openly role play on the forums or anything, I am sure many of you have actually sat back and scratched their heads at some of the things I have done in the past. I realised I needed to introduce myself, to begin to transform the Larni I had created in my head, into the Larni that would become what I felt eAus needed at the time... And so I began with my first article:
Screams Roleplayer don't it

Over time I slowly began evolving, until I hit the wall of the Elites... Those who felt I had nothing to offer, those who laughed and told me that I would not last two months. Then one day I was on IRC talking with Aussie Bloke (who proposed to me on my forth day in game... yep drunk and funny with a little crazy mixed in)

He informed me of many impossibilities... How it is impossible to break out of the shadow of n00bhood, how the Elites will never release their grip, how eAus will always be beaten in battles... I listened to him, hearing not a true blood Aussie but a man defeated, a nation who had been kicked to the curb too many times... Something was broken.

So I wrote some more... I began to circulate my name, returning to the skill set I had spend 6 years developing... Larni evolved and transformed, from an innocent child trapped in a country beset by war, to a woman who would have her voice heard. She was the salvation eAus needed, and by gods eAus would listen.

Flicking through my articles I actually laugh, remembering what I did back then... the first impossibility I broke was taking the dead Australian Military Party and turning it into a juggernaut of political precision. I knew the nation was not ready for a female CP, (I had only just begun my dance) but they would accept male CP’s from my party. The numbers are fuzzy now but it was something like 6 consecutive CP’s...

That would have been enough for most people, but not Larni. Larni Kaddlestorm had a point to make, and eAus WOULD listen.

It was about this time that a strange thing happened... I was named the edaughter of Zaney... the first eGod of eAus... For character development I took this on board and set my eyes on a target. The most impossible thing for a female to attain in eAus but now that Zaney was my Dad... It was mine by ebirthright.

I would become CP.
But how... and then things fell into my lap. I think it was initially done as a joke but I was made MoD of a wiped nation. What harm can a girl do after all?

“I want to free us”
“You can’t it’s impossible”
A lot of things went through my head, but one simple fact remained strong. IF Larni really was the eblood of Zaney.... So I smiled a little, tilted my head to the side, twirled a loose strand of hair around my finger and replied very simply, “Watch me”

The rest is history, countless battles, impossible objectives, breaking the mould of what is possible. It was long believed eIndo native land was untouchable, they had never lost a region... The day their capital burned to the ground was perhaps the most glorious day I have had in this game.

Anyway back on track, Larni was a child forced every day to prove that not only was she as good as the boys, that she was indeed a beast of a different kind. Something this nation, and the world had never seen. It took years of dedication and hard work to fulfil the completion of Larni’s cycle and finally I took my rightful place as the President of eAus, serving consecutive terms. During my time this nation prospered, holding more regions for longer, bringing in taxes of obscene numbers etc etc...

Note this is just how it worked out. Like most of what I have done none of it has been solo, there have been those who’s military guidance I could not have done without, those who knowledge about finances was invaluable, and those like Ranger Bob and Xavier Griffiths who would send me messages on the side offering the advice and wisdom of their years.

The child that was Larni is gone, she did all she set out to do and proved beyond doubt what a ‘newb’ is capable of. Larni cast aside the convention that only males can run the country, that only males can run the military... and I am extremely proud of everything I did, all the impossibilities I stomped on. All the power mad I made cry... I have been called a bitch many times and yes... I am a bitch, tell me that I cannot achieve something, tell me that something is impossible and I will stomp on your delusions simply because you are wrong.

In this game nothing is impossible, with every new player that joins there is a likelihood they will one day become so much more than anyone ever thought possible.

I do thank Ranger Bob for allowing me to come to this conclusion myself, whether he knows it or not his words... his acceptance and respect are more valuable to me than any of my victories. His wisdoms, paraphrasing here : “We can survive without regions, we cannot survive without community”

The Evolution of Larni Kaddlestorm is complete. The innocent wide eyed child thrust into international affairs is no more. My name is Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen, forged through fire and blood. I have nothing more to prove. The self doubt and innocence of Larni is gone. Swallowed by the flame of the dragon, and now it is time to pass on what I have learned.

To look to our new players, to help them, to temper them for the times ahead, to instil in them the history of our nation, the pride, the passion, the reason we fight every day for our freedom.

You are my dragons.

TL😉R : Larni's evolution was complete. It was time for a new stage.