Mexico vs Spain

Day 258, 08:46 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds

Now, normally I am not one to write too much in one day (especially since I am retired), but to all Irish citizens, I say it could be worse.

Your President could have just declared war on his homeland to merge countries.

A little backgroun😛

The ARDE political party is a group of political refugees from Spain. They were/are unhappy that the Spanish Government has been more peaceful than aggressive due to their massive size advantage over some of their neighbors. A group, led by Alfonso (who is the elected leader of Mexico), won the elections (albeit by a slim margin).

Alfonso won his campaign based on "what was best for Mexico" and that he was disconnected from the Spanish Government. They proposed a merger, which the Mexican citizens largely overturned outside of a few Spanish Nationalists pretending to be Mexican citizens (yes Punta, this means you).

So, less than a week after the elections, and Alfonso and MVerslayer have already proposed the war and signed a contract.

Here's the catch: The Spanish recently approved a constitution, meaning this would have most likely needed to go through the Spanish Congress (being that I have dealt with Spain on many occasions I know they use their Congress very strictly on matters such as this). The Spanish Congress has outright said this never entered their spectrum of ideals to consider. Many have already said they will not nor have not supported it.

Alfonso and MVerslayer havent publicly said much to this point about it. The feeling is, now, that this was organized at the top levels of Government without the knowledge of most of Spain. People like Zhuge Liang, Bolonia, and Meiko, who have fought for the smaller nations before and continue to do so, won't agree. We'll see what kind of weight their constitution has. If there's a loophole in it, or a clause that we can use to overturn this decision, I'll find it. From what I have seen from both MVerslayer and Alfonso, neither is exactly rock solid when writing contracts.

Now, that brings me to my next point: What do you, as a UK citizen have to say about it? IRL, by Nationality I am Mexican so I guess I take it a little closer to heart. What does it say to you, and does anyone have an idea of how to stop it?