Measure Twice, Cut Once

Day 1,212, 04:03 Published in USA USA by bombonato

Dateline: Wednesday, March 16 - Day 1212
Location: Camp Zama, Japan
Reporter: Major George Armstrong "Old Man" Custer

Think Before You Act

Okay... nobody's making you play eRepublik. And nobody's holding you in the Army, playing a game within a game. You might be having a great time, and we all-- from game authorities to the President to the Officers and Enlisteds of our US Army-- we all hope you're having fun, and we all do what we can to make the game and the US Army as much fun as it can be.

But some players get frustrated and quit. Others get a case of RL and just don't have the time for games. Fantastic! "RL > Game" is not just a cute catch phrase, it's the truth.
If your studies or your job are suffering due to your online gaming-- or your TV watching or your partying-- you're failing to find a correct balance, and something's gotta go.
Life-- that stuff that's happening outside while you're reading this-- is happening, with or without you.

But to the point... this being the Official newspaper of the US Army...

You're part of the team. You matter to everyone around you.

If you're going to quit eRepublik, or keep playing but scale it back some, or transfer out to another branch... show some consideration to your team by dropping a note to your Senior Officer.

Your battle strength matters to our budget allotment as well as to our ability to perform as a team on the battlefield.

If you're an Officer, a Platoon leader or higher, several players count on you for communications and supplies.

If you're a front line grunt, your Platoon mates will be anxious about your absence.

Your leaving will affect other players' enjoyment of the game.

Make arrangements, give proper notice.

Failure to give notice, to show simple consideration to your fellow players and to this organization, may result in a loss of confidence in your ability to handle your responsibilities to your teammates.
Do you want to leave the game with this black mark as the last entry on your record?
Suppose you change your mind and want to come back?

Just think first before acting. Measure twice, cut once.

Recommended Reading
The Army-Cavalry Merger [Part 1: Enlisted]
The Army-Cavalry Merger [Part 2: Officers]
Army Rations Not Enough? Make Your Own MREs! by US Army Ranger Chucky Norris
Top Soldier Goes AWOL
The DoD Every day!

Major George Armstrong Custer
Army Public Affairs Senior Officer

RL > Game

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