Madness, Betrayal, Loyalty and Pride?

Day 3,774, 13:42 Published in Ireland Ireland by Wandering Warlord

Hello my fellow eCitizens and good afternoon!

Today's discussion all of the above titled.... What hapens when you blindly do all the same daily things with no outside interaction, when home feels foreign, your brothers and sister's are strangers, when you no longer know what you're fighting for, working towards and nothing makes sense? You move to Ireland of course! Is that betrayal, does that mean you aren't loyal? I think it actually means I turned to look for something new to be loyal to, that I was betraying myself by doing the same thing everyday for a place I couldn't take pride in. I needed to find a new home to be proud of and renounce my madness and so my fellow eCitizens this is exactly that I did! Others may not agree as I join arms with the enemy of my old eCountry let eHistory and any of my article readers bear witnesses and judge my actions.

Sincerely yours,
an Irishman