King of the World Endorsement

Day 1,360, 01:41 Published in USA USA by Pizza The Hut

Well, it's been over a week since I wrote my last article, so until I write one about actual events occurring in the eWorld, I felt compelled to make my endorsement for King of the World. The one who I have named you may have heard of, for he is the King of all Kings, the Prince of Peace, a wonderful counselor, and he has been called many other names. He is righteous and just, holy and truthful, and even in the eWorld we should never forget him.

Because remember there is only one way to live our lives, and too often we forget that. Some people might think, Pizza, why bother with this? My answer.... because he is the answer to all the horrible problems and evils that plague us. When we all realize this, the world will be a better place. 🙂 Always seek the truth my friends. Always seek the light. Always serve our one, true master. Bow before no King, but one....