Jamarcus for Tel Aviv

Day 972, 02:04 Published in Israel USA by Jamarcus
Who I Am

I'm Jamarcus, and I'm running for KM of Tel Aviv. I am a Former Party President of multiple parties. I've served as the eUSA Ambassador to eCroatia. I've served 4-terms as a previous Knesset Member. I've served as Secretary of Embassies of eIsrael. I've served as Minister of Foreign Affairs and Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of eIsrael. I'm currently the Chief of Staff of the United Israeli Independents Party or UIIP for short.

Why I Run

In these troubled times we are in, we need the best and brightest in positions of power. eIsrael's history has been plagued by war, division, and inactivity. eIsrael NEEDS active and engaged Knesset members. eIsrael has many smart, trustworthy, and engaged leaders. We need those leaders to step up and serve as shining examples for all eIsraeli's to follow. However, lately our leaders have spent more time waging war against each other instead of focusing all our attention of solving the major issues that plague our nation today. Strengthening our national economy, Strengthening our national military, Increasing Knesset activity levels, Increasing our nation's population, And raising our nation's overall activity level should be our primary focus. Not divisive politics. Party Presidents should work together to ensure that the best candidates are elected regardless of party affiliation. We are all eIsraeli's here. We all...well most of us want to see eIsrael succeed and become a respected player on the world stage. If we ever intend to be respected we must present a united front at all times.

It is on these grounds that I take great pride in asking YOU the people of eIsrael to represent you in the next Knesset. I ask your vote not as a member of the UIIP, the UZP, the Lantern Society, or Shalom, but as a fellow citizen of this great nation. We have fought among each other because of party for far too long. I have seen partisanship tear apart nations in times of great need over and over again. We must not succeed where eTurkey failed and destroy ourselves from the inside. There are dozens and dozens of good leaders serving this nation to the best of their abilities. We need to continue to stand united as one eIsrael. So join me in my campaign for change from the ways of the past, towards a stronger and united eIsrael.

UIIP Chief of Staff
Proud Citizen of eIsrael