It's not The End. Just a New Beginning

Day 1,717, 22:26 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by LarasDea

Seperti Dunia yang selalu memiliki arti
Setiap kebahagiaan, tersimpan kesedihan semu
Setiap kejujuran, tersimpan kebohongan yang tertunda
Setiap terang, tersingkap kegelapan abadi
Setiap awal, pasti ada akhir

Tidak selalu, mengakhiri itu buruk. Tidak selalu, mengawali itu bahagia. Hanya kejujuran hati yang bisa menjawabnya. Ya, apa yang dirasakan dari dalam hatilah yang bisa menjawabnya.

Jujur, saya merasa eSakit dengan apa yang terjadi. Saya tidak pernah menyangka akhirnya akan seperti ini. Ya, saya hanya ingin eBahagia. Buat apa saya terus memendam rasa eSakit? Mengganggu ketenangan bermain game bukan? Oh tidak, jangan berpikir bahwa semua hanya salahnya. Saya juga bersalah. Kenapa saya tidak mengatakan saja apa niat saya sebenarnya. I'm just a poor little girl who made the wrong step.

Buat Semut, thanks buat semuanya. You're the one who can make me smile, atm. But not for now. Too many anger that we've had. Too many words that not supposed to be spoken. I guess, it's the right time to make it over. Not because i hate you, nor even want to hurt you. I just want you to be whatever you used to be. Don't do something because of me, cause it's just a Game. Everything may change.

It's way so much different if it's real love, you know. I don't love you. I just eLoved you. I was.

Please understand every single words that i said. In my eyes, you looks like my brother. But yeah, doesn't matter.

Thank you for all happiness. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

I hope, if there's someone who can let me free from this eWidow things, you really the one who eBorn for me. Huehehehe

P.s : I'm not mad, i'm just tired
P.p.s : I'm waiting for "you" now.
P.P.P.s : You can refer to anyone 😛