Issue # 1

Day 1,228, 07:27 Published in Philippines Philippines by Heneral Luna
The Official Paper of Tracey Mendoza Foundation


•Financial Report of TMF
•New Projects of TMF
•Article by Adrex Liran
•Classified Ads

Financial Report of Tracey Mendoza Foundation


Q1 Foo😛 390
Q3 Foo😛 25
Q5 foo😛 505
php: 1309.5425
gol😛 12


Q1 Foods: 230
Q2 Foods: 30
Q5 Foods: 95
5 php

Donations Received (most recent)

25 Q3 foods from RaymondN
10 Q2 foods from Tracey Mendoza
10 Q2 foods from Coco the Killa
10 Q2 foods from Coco the Killa
30 php from Coco the Killa

Users registered in ePhilippines Feeding Program: 3

New Projects of TMF

TMF Recruitment Program

Philippines is one of the most populated country in the whole world. It even belong to the top ten, but not here in Erepublik. Because of this TMF wants to to help our enation in increasing the number of our active citizens. So we decided to make another Facebook fan page for the ePhilippines and I'll try to use it in bringing more users here. Here is the link: Facebook Page of ePhilippines

Like it if you want and promote it too. You can also post there. Our recruitment program does not end here more details about the program will be revealed in the future.

Mentoring Program

It is not enough to feed people and let them always depend on you. You also need to teach them how to live by their own so they can stand on their own feet. We are launching this program to help the developing players to be independent and to be more productive. I'm pretty sure that many newbies are confuse on what to do in this game, me myself actually still gets confuse up to now.

What is unique about this mentoring program? It is a program that uses the reward system. Yes, when you reach a certain level or does a certain task; you will receive rewards for it.

If you are interested to undergo our mentoring program please register here:

TMF Mentoring Program Application Form

We also need volunteers. If I can't handle the volume of applicants anymore I'll be needing the help of our volunteers. If you are interested to be one just send me a message.

The structure of this program is still under construction. More details will be given out in the future, but nonetheless you can already register for the program.

Games and Contests

TMF will organize some games and contests for the month of April. More details to follow.

Article by Adrex Liran

We will pay you 5 php if you send us your articles and not only that they will be published in our paper.Here is an example.

By Adrex Liran

As this would be my 1st article under Balitang Pinoy, I just want to say thanks for the opportunity to Tracey Mendoza. MARAMING SALAMAT!

So what is this noob tales about? Well, its about all of us. The old and the new players of the eWorld. As we say, everyone has one. Whether the story on how you get to where you are now or a crazy thing you did when you were just starting ( eg. Begging a super ecitizen for something until it gave up and gave you what you were asking! - hell it did happen! 🙂 ).
It can also be a question coming from the noobs for the great old ecitizens of eRepublik such as advice, tactics, or bragging rights. YES! you heard it right! BRAGGING RIGHTS! We all know this is a game and someday noobs would want to brag their achievements to everyone!
This is my mission, your quest, our life.
NOOB TALES! Coz everyone has one…….

The questions of today :

1. Hospital where is it, why we don’t have it right now? Do you think MPP with eUSA with no hospital will help new players to level up?

2. Defence system Q1.. What is it for? Is it good value for money?

3. Neutrality best way to play the game?

4. Your stand with the World War occurring right now.

These are the questions in my mind that I would love to hear the answers coming from everyone. Since I’ve only started playing this game again so my knowledge is lacking right now. Normally I would go to chat room and interview someone to hear some answers but hearing the majority this way is much easier. Let us hear your answers eFilipinos and let us judge whether everyone are on the same page.

Will be looking forward to your comments. If you want your story to be featured here at noob tales just pm me Adrex Liran and I would gladly hear you out and write your legen……wait for it…..dary quest to fame!

Classified Ads

Advertise with us for 5 php all the proceeds will go to the foundation.

TMF runs purely from your donations so if you have extra anything you can send them to Tracey Mendoza and I'll distribute them to our citizens who need it.

Please vote and Subscribe. Thanks 🙂