Is there a Presidential race on July 5th?

Day 1,684, 10:40 Published in Canada China by Crock Crosby

There is something missing from eCanada this last week.....
I couldn't figure it out immediately, but then it smacked me square in the face.

I have not seen a single presidential campaign article for the July 5th election.

So, upon realizing this I looked at who even has thrown their hat into the ring for this prestigious position. The candidates are as follows

-Mavis Vermillion from the C.E.B.E.R.U.S. party
-Artorius Perim fron CanVision party
-Auk Rest from The Canadian Progressive Front
-Tyreal Snow from The AFK
-Rolo Tahmasee from Rolo Tahmasee Funhouse

Out of these five candidates only Auk Rest, Tyreal Snow, and Rolo Tahmasee are from top 5 parties that can nominate candidates for the election. Missing is a candidate from the Military Dictatorship Party. I am assuming that Rylde, the current CP and member of the MDP, will be running under the MDP banner. Norsefire-Wolfpac has no candidate listed at the moment, but if the past is any thing to go on, they will not run a candidate and instead endorse Rolo Tahmasse.

With only four days left there is still time for someone to enter the race late, but there is little time for a new candidate to get their platform message out to the citizens.

How this election will play out will be unlike any election we have had in a long time.

Out of all these candidates Rolo Tahmasee is the most recognizable to the average eCanadian. He has run in more CP elections then any other eCanadian in our nations 4 year history. Along with the distinction of being in the most campaigns comes the record for the most loses.

The reason behind Rolo's many loses is mostly due to how the majority of eCanadians view this player. In past CP races the nation believed they only had one choice. Vote for the most popular player who is not Rolo Tahmasee. This led us to have months of sub par presidential administrations with former CPs like KronosQ, Addy Lawrance, Acacia Mason, and Trenton Randell being elected. These players won their election only because the nation could not stomach the thought of the only other option, Rolo, being CP (and for good reason).

This Brings me back to July 5th. If Rylde does seek another term as CP, will Rolo just step aside? Or will the heads of "The Coalition" go head to head.

There is one large segment on our population that is missing from this story so far. The members of EPIC.
If u haven't been keeping up with the news, EPIC had their party taken over in a PTO by agents of the Coalition.
EPIC members are the largest voting block in eCanada, and they are not able to put forward one of their own candidates on the 5th. Logic says they will back the AFK or CPF candidate, but our nation does not seem to make many logical decisions these days....